So to answer Wasasister's question from my perspective, the legitimacy of Jesus Christ does not rely on the veracity of a whole, entire, flawless, scribe-Catholic-compiled biblical record. Not imo. If we refused to believe anything that is even occasionally in error (e.g., newspapers, magaines, history books, science books, evolution books, the bible, etc. etc.) then we would be without anything to believe except our own personal observation of nature? Quite limited
First of all, Ros, thank you for your typical, reasoned response. May I further inquire: If the record of Jesus Christ does not depend on what is written in Bible Cannon, upon what does it rely? What, if any, extra-Biblical documentation exists to coorborate the life, quotations, and teachings of Jesus Ben-Joseph?
I do not demand flawless accuracy of the Bible for belief in the Divine nature of Christ....But in order to put faith in Jesus as the Son of God, I must at least believe the Bible to be a fairly accurate record of events.
My question about Mary's faith pertains to a scripture I cannot locate at present, but remember vividly from studying the Greatest Man book: somewhere in Mark, an incident is recounted wherein Jesus' mother and siblings gather outside a house in which he is teaching. They beseach the crowds to deliver their brother/son to them so they can take him home. The implication is that the is mentally imapaired.
Ros: yes, I acknowledge that mothers often underestimate their children. However, few of us have ever had conversations with angels regarding our pregnancies, nor have any of us experienced Divinely Instigated Virgin Births. I don't know about you, but if I had become pregnant without intercourse, I would not quickly forget the event, nor would I tend to dismiss the fruit of my womb. I also would have informed my other children of Big Brother's special nature.