Do you feel intimidated or uncomfortable when giving your opinion? Do you shy away from expressing yourself if you believe that the majority will disagree???
Are You Afraid To Express Your Opinion???
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
Hell no!
I'm very shy and timid. . . .
I am comfortable with expressing my opinion.
joy, you beat me to it.
Actually, no, I learned my lesson. I hurt someone's feelings here once by posting something like the above; it was actually ? Ingsoc party in Orwell's 1984... blaming everything that had gone wrong on the party members who had been purged."f no, you idiot" (in response to did I think manners were a thing of the past), thinking I was the epitome of pith and wit; I don't want it to happen again.
I try to express my opinions carefully but don't always succeed. I have very strong opinions and have zero tolerance for idiots (the irony being, of course, that I can be the biggest idiot of all).
I am very shy and easily intimidated, so I don't often express my opinion.
I don't think I could handle having others reject my opinions.
free will
i'm getting over it......slowly.
Sometimes. Example: Tonight one of our new neighbors came over, and we were trying to make him feel welcome to our neighborhood. In response, he started talking about how he was a republican, and how all democrats are nit-wits, pussies, traitors, etc. I happen to be a democrat. I was about to say something, but got "the look" from my boyfriend, and held my tounge. Normally, I would have called him on it, and asked him to be more civil, but because my boyfriend gave me "the look", I kept my mouth shut. So, I guess, I am afraid to express my opinions sometimes, because I'm worried about offending someone close to me. (BTW, my boyfriend is also a democrat, but always wants to keep the peace with everyone.)
I'm very shy and timid. . . .
ROFL..uuumm yea...
I try to express my opinions carefully but don't always succeed. I have very strong opinions and have zero tolerance for idiots (the irony being, of course, that I can be the biggest idiot of all).
Rosemary I never thought I would meet anyone more candid than but you got me beat...and for the record anyone who allows for the possibility of idiotic behavor is far from an idiot. See I just expressed my opinions Go me!
It depends on the situation. As I've gotten older, I've become less afraid of expressing my true feelings and thoughts. But it also depends on the situation. I generally like to keep the peace, I don't like confrontations, so if I know something I say is going to cause trouble, I am likely to keep quiet so to keep the peace. But if my needs/self esteem/respect is being trampled on, I am more likely to speak up, because I won't let people take advantage of me anymore.
Here on this board I've become more bolder the longer I've been here. Yet having said that, I don't always say what I think, because I know that what I could say would only cause arguments, and I hate being the cause of a online argument. So I keep my mouth shut to keep the peace, and thus refrain from making more enemies than friends (lol).