Happiness and Freedom On A Paradise Earth?

by Disassociated Lady 2 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Disassociated Lady 2
    Disassociated Lady 2

    At a recent meeting there was a Watchtower article about life in paradise. They were saying that even when Witnesses finally get there they will still be under the strict instructions from the Elders and GB. They may be given jobs that they will find unpleasant, also the preaching work will be ongoing because of all the resurrected people who need to learn about why they are given another chance. How can a world suddenly become a paradise earth, imagine how much clearing up there will be to do after Armageddon!! Also the resurrected people are not going to be immediately well behaved are they? Some may still not want to do things their way. It does not seem like a wonderful reward to me, just more dominance and hard work!

  • Wayward

    Eternal life in a never ending slave labor camp or death at Armageddon and an end to it all? Hmmmm. I think I'll opt for dying at Armageddon.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    How long will take for the lion, shark, bear, snake and other meat eaters to be domesticated.

  • blondie

    James Mixon, remember in the story of Daniel in the lions' den he tamed them right away until Daniel got out of the den...could it last longer instantly? Maybe per the WTS. They have a twisted response for everything.

    On my road out, I realized that all the rules would continue in the WTS paradise, that the elders would get their homes/mansions built first, that the rank and file would get the dirty jobs while they studied the scrolls in their mansions. So much for the scripture that say everyone would have his own home and fig tree.

    As to shelter and meaningful work, Jehovah promised concerning his people: “They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build for someone else to inhabit, nor will they plant for others to eat.” (Isa. 65:21, 22)

  • steve2

    The Roman Catholic Church has spent centuries using Fear, Obligation and Guilt (FOG) to control its members present life and their eternity.

    All "good" and "loving" religious organizations follow suit. The template works well.

  • ttdtt

    Funny how we always looked down at people who believe in Heaven because they make heaven to be just like earth but nicer - well gee sounds like paradise will be just like earth but not much nicer:)


    At a recent meeting there was a Watchtower article about life in paradise. They were saying that even when Witnesses finally get there they will still be under the strict instructions from the Elders and GB.

    Life Before.............................................Life In..

    WatchTower Paradise...........................WatchTower Paradise..

    Image result for Watchtower obey signImage result for Watchtower obey sign

    Image result for Watchtower logoImage result for Same old Shit logoImage result for Watchtower logoImage result for Businessman with gun to head

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    People with power can't stand to think that they might not have authority one day!

  • smiddy

    The paradise earth doesn`t begin after armageddon , it doesn`t start till after the thousand years of Jesus Christ`s reign when Satan & his demons are let loose for a time and then finally destroyed.

    At which time those that are destroyed with them number like the sands of the seashore , so theire definitely wont be any paradise during JC thousand year rule.

  • TheMark

    Jesus washed his disciple's feet, maybe the elders will end up washing toilets after all..lol

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