Hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any Americans on here . l have an American friend from LA who has recently been trying very hard to investigate Bill Gates and his Foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against Bill . Some being concerned with the Foundation's work in lndia , claims have been made that a vaccination programme has left thousands of lndian children ill and that the Government has kicked the Foundation out and is suing it . l looked on fact check which said that there was no truth in this . When l mentioned this to my friend l was told that l couldn't trust anything online because basically Bill and his cronies manipulated the internet .
l emailed one of our national ( British ) newspapers to ask if the Indian Gov. was suing the Gates Foundation and was told that " there were no reports anywhere to substantiate that " . l have a feeling that if l say this to her l will be told that Bill and his mates run the world's press .
Do any of you Americans particularly know anything about this ?