Here's an excellent, insightful review of this topic:
And the dumbing down continues...
by NikL 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I really don't remember post the Jerusalem church of everyone selling everything and dividing it for daily allowance that anyone was asked for anything , in fact the apostle paul stated they need not but the followers insisted so he set some instructions . The watch tower itself set up a charity arrangement of which they can not asks for donations from the D2D work so can't see that they are allowed to ask for and pressure members into it
Why do they keep putting stuff clearly intended for "special full time servants" in WT articles?
It's not just this week, it seems like once every 2-3 months there is something clearly intended for these
utterly naive and stupid numnutsspecial full time servants.Bethelites, missionaries, COs, etc. make up far less than 1% of all why waste so much ink to scold such a small number of adherents? You'd think they'd want to be efficient and scold everyone.