Think about this new mode(cart work) of keeping the rank & file busy with theocratic/self indoctrinating pursuits instead of door to door work which might put them in more financial jeopardy if one of their congregation's free roaming pedophiles uses this as an opportunity to molest an interested person at the doors. I think the Watchtower Corporation is in some serious doo doo and wants to limit their legal liability as much as fucking possible, if they still have half a brain that is and not suffering from some severe form of dementia(which you never know being that they are suffering from tremendous brain shrinkage being that they are leaders in a fundamentalist mind control cult which prays upon fear and ignorance and most likely missing a lot of cards in their deck if you know what I mean).
I'm thinking if these guys are only half braindead from the bull shit they sign off on to be printed in their publications they must be able to see the tremendous damage financially that the mandatory door to door work for corporate interest poses if some brazen pedophile uses this situation to satisfy some primal urge.
But you never know these guys on the Governing Body of la la land must be on some serious meds to be functioning these days so only time will tell.