I thought denim skirts looked cool.
Next change?
by JW_Rogue 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
Vidiot,,I thought they looked awesome also!.
I do not see any further watering down of the Blood Doctrine. It is already at the point that if a person agrees to a transfusion in a life threatening situation (weakness) all they must do is say "I'm sinned and I'm sorry." and does not become a matter for a judicial committee. And if a person will not do that, then they are considered as someone who no longer desires to be considered one of Jehovah's Witnesses (DAd). Only speaking against the doctrine (apostacy) will get you DF.
They do not want any claims of violating human rights.
Maybe a female can wear a jean dress at a meeting or bethel tour? What a joke.
My wife and some other sisters always got counseled about wearing jean skirts or jackets to Saturday morning FS.
Beth Sarim
Thats what most JWs dont know!!
Is that if a JW takes a transfusion & the eldubs know about it & if the JW is ""truly repentant" by the eldubs standards,,,he/she can be spared a dfing or a judicial committee.
This is what most JWs DO NOT know. That is unless,,, they know about the leaked contents of the evil "Sheppard the Flock of God" book or videos on youtube talking about it.
Thank God for the internet age and God bless the leakers who dispense this information. There are ""good ones"" in the Borg.
Mother's Day and Father's Day will be just fine next.
Birthdays will too eventually.
That's an easy one....as GB helpers...there are gonna be 'Elder and Ministerial helpers', as it is right now they're leaving almost the half of the RF aside.
Women have a lot of energy and commitment, and could give the Borg a most necessary boost. However, don't give them ideas....
stan livedeath
yep--give the women more responsibilities. It will become the watchtowers very own handmaids tale.
Stan I’m watching the handmaid tale now I’m almost on the last season.
So many similarities to watchtower that ring true. Like the being afraid to talk to someone who you suspect are like you but what if you get it wrong and they tell someone else what you said?