Thanks Aztec for referring me to this thread. I immediately sent an op/ed letter to the Nashville Tennessean and I also wrote the following:
October 3, 2003
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
This letter concerns a matter that I stumbled across yesterday that was very disturbing. I was wondering if perhaps you could clarify this for me. I have been paying attention to the whole sex abuse matter as it pertains to the congregation, so it is not surprising that in my routine news scans I stumbled upon an article in the Canadian Press. The article stated that:
"A woman who won $5,000 in damages after accusing the Canadian wing of the Jehovah's Witnesses of negligence over their handling of sexual abuse has been ordered to pay the group $142,000 to cover its legal costs."
Now, here is where I have a question.
*** w95 5/1 30 What Will Your Business Cost You? ***
Just think what a black mark it would put on the Christian organization if outsiders heard of true Christians fighting it out in court! Could it be that in such cases the love of money has become stronger than love for brother? Or could it be that one?s honor has been tarnished and retaliation is foremost in mind? Paul?s counsel shows that in such cases it would be better to take a loss than to go to court.?1 Corinthians 6:1, 7; Romans 12:17-21.Isn?t this being harsh and hypocritical to unlovingly impose such a burden on one of the flock, even if this one is undergoing an especially difficult time in their life and a crisis of their faith? The matter is further complicated by the idea that these alleged "costs" are imposed by brothers who are volunteers for the organization. Other than minor filing fees and the like, what fees are these brothers charging our organization for?
I am sorry if I seem to be out of tune with current thinking, but in every way, this simply seems wrong from a moral standpoint. It seems almost a punitive and vindictive measure to take and in appearance, if not in fact is a lesson to warn those that would "mess with us". To me, it?s not exactly the thing I like to see in an organization that is "known by the love among yourselves."
Can you please clarify this for me? I would like to understand better and have my mind set at ease. Is this secular news reporter embellishing things, or is this really the outcome of this?Thank you for your time and consideration.
I will let you all know when / if I hear anything. I am so angry! I wrote this letter in this way a) because I am inactive but still "in" and b) to maybe get an answer. I was discussing this with my JW wife...and even she says "that is soooo wrong." I know it's a drop in the bucket...but maybe it's at least a voice heard. Yes, I realize that they may make my "ex" status official by the big DF...but then, who gives a rat's ass?