Years and years and years of therapy has helped me to:
1. Shed the jw guilt ... and tune into my heart and intuition and follow my own desires (rather than the rules of a book publishing company.)
2. Shed the jw fear ... no longer buy into the "I'm not good enough" co-dependent attitude.
3. Find my passion and follow it ... for meee it is ballroom dancing and other creative avenues.
4. Get to know who I was individually and personally ... not as a jw-bot.
5. Re-parent myself ... be myself and not something my parents chose for me. There are good books in the library about reparenting ourselves, if raised in a dysfunctional, alcoholic, grief-striken or otherwise co-dependent family.
6. Re-create my spiritual self ... by shedding all the jw-isms and replacing them with something useable and healthy. I shed all the jw beliefs and re-learned, re-examined all my spiritual beliefs. I embraced the ones that work for me (not for a book publishing company) ... now.
7. Set myself free from jw bondage and be true to myself.
8. Love and accept myself no matter where I am on my life's journey.
9. Embrace where I came from realizing it has made me the magnificent person that I am today!!!!Intuitive and loving and compassionate.
10. I am still learning to release the past and leave it where it is meant to be -- in the past. Then I will probably disappear from JWD.I'd be willing to make guest appearances, though!!!