by RAYZORBLADE 30 Replies latest jw friends


    OK, for those of you who were thinking of a novel by Salinger: [x] wrong!

    We're talking the best whiskey made with Canadian rye.

    Even the Russians agree: Canadian rye, for what it is worth, is the best!

    Americans have Bourbon: they win hands down with their special blend.

    Scotland, has single malt scotch (Dalwhinnie, Rayzor's fav!) and of course Irish whiskey, of which Jameson's is my fav.

    But Canuck whiskey made from RYE: well.....love us or hate us, we do have the BEST rye whiskey on planet Earth.

    Don't believe me? Ask Aztec, and oh yeah....Leddfootdja

  • plmkrzy

    ok i'm sold, so what now? Do I just ask for "Canadian Rye Whiskey" or is there a particular brand that is the best?


    Canadian Club, or also known losely as "CC".

    But there are 3 types of Canadian Club whiskey: the 6 year old regular rye.

    Then there's the 10 year old stuff.

    But what I highly recommend: 12 year old Canadian Club Classic:

    But there are other brands worth checking out:

    Crown Royal (creme de la creme)


    Alberta Rye

    I know that you can buy Canadian rye whiskey in the U.S. of A., and abroad.

    But if you're in Michigan, even better: Detroit - just go across the Detroit River, and head to the Canadian Club whiskey distillery in Windsor, Ontario (Canadian side).

    Awesome stuff: CC Classic

    Rayzorblade's favourite

  • plmkrzy
    Crown Royal (creme de la creme)

    This we use to keep in the house all the time until my youngest became a .%##%cough%$##...man, and started having his friends over

    ...a l l ....t h e.... t i m e

    So anyway, is there a specified age attached to Crown Royal? I never noticed a date, or just don't remember seeing one.

    btw, I am no where near Detroit so that's out.


    Plmkrzy: check out this link.


    I have to admit, I do love CROWN ROYAL, but I have an affinity to Windsor, Ontario's Walkerville Distillery.

    Check it out. Crown Royal is excellent as well. But I think CC's Classic 12 year old gets overlooked.

    There ya be!

  • plmkrzy


  • shamus

    Rye is awesome!

    I dont' likey crown royal.... it's too icky.

    CC is okay,

    The 12 year old rye is the best... YUM YUM YUM!

    Try climbing a mountain, and, when you get back to camp drink it STRAIGHT! I can't drink it straight any other time other than when I'm physically blown.... it tastes so good!!!!! I bring it backpacking with me all the time, and always share. It's amazing how many people drink it straight and love it when they're physically blown!


  • Aztec

    Now that it's getting colder it would be really nice right now. I liked the 12 year stuff Ray gave me. Very good! I tried it just over ice and I tried it with this stuff...


    Mmmmmm! Very good!


  • Wolfy


    I love Crown Royal! I do have to admit I like Jack Daniel's Whiskey and Appleton Estates Rum.Visit Smiley Central! Now in the area of beer...Molson Canadian..hmmm...beerVisit Smiley Central!


  • smack

    drinking William Grant's finest at the moment, but I gotta try me some of that rye.


    official Antarctic whiskey tester

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