I need public/court records about what really happened in 1919

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The Society teaches that in 1919, Jehovah and Jesus Christ inspected them (when they were still known as Bible Students) and promptly released them from Babylonish captivity by freeing the officers of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society from prison.

    Are there any public or court records to substantiate evidence against them, that they were released only by agreement that they would not publish certain chapters of a book, I can't remember the title . In return the government agreed to release them.

    This is important.

    JW's do not realize that if the master did 'arrive in 1919 to inspect them' then who are they keeping on the watch for today? Jesus only spoke of his coming once.

    By assigning a future prophecy to the past, we would never be able to see the lord return, hence a perpetual state of limbo.

    We are constantly told to keep on the watch for the Lord's return - how is this possible if he came in 1919 and appointed them over all his belongings? Technically speaking, if this prophecy were true, we should already be in paradise. Jesus would have made his judgement, and Christendom should have been destoyed.

    In their Isaiah book publications, 1919 is stressed more often than 1914.

    Obviously, their prophecy is not true, which means Jesus is yet to arrive and he has not chosen any organization over all his belongings.

    There must be court records detailing the exact account of the Bible students imprisonment in 1914, and their terms of release.

    Jesus also said that during the time of the end, false Christ's would appear. Many would perform powerful works in his name. It is feasibly possible that one of the powerful works performed in his name would be the 'preaching work.'

  • Amazing

    Hi Truthseeker,

    I did a review of the JFR (Joseph Franklin Rutherford) trial. I have the entire trial transcript, including the meeting transcript from the pre-trial hearing and in judges chambers.

    Simply put: The Watchtower officers were not railroaded off to prison. They were guilty of subversion. The Society had plenty of time to build a case, but missused their time to try and influence the US Attorney to drop the case. Rutherford even had a friend on the jury that convicted them ... AND ... most important, they were NOT EXONERATED ... but rather, were released on a writ of error that the trial Judge permitted because he was leinient. Since the war was over, the government had no interest in putting JFR & company back on trial. The ENTIRE Watchtower interpretation of the trial is a bold-faced lie and has nothing to do with Bible prophecy.

    I gave a talk on this at the 2002 BRCI ... but I did not complete the series because it did not interest very many people on the board. You can click below to get what I did to date:

    Part 1: Trial of JFR et al

    Part 2a: JFR Trial - Judges Chambers

    Part 2b: JFR Trial - Judges Chambers - C...

    Part 2c: JFR Trial - Judges Chambers

    Part 2d: JFR Trial - Judges Chambers

    Part 3: JFR Trial - The Indictment (Good)

    Part 4a: JFR Trial - Jury Selection

    Part 4b: JFR Trial - Jury Selection (Cont'd)

    Part 4c: JFR Trial ... Criticizing the Government

    Part 4d: JFR Trial - The Surprise

    Part 5a: JFR Trial - 1st Witness

    Again, there is much, much more that shows this whole issue to be another Watchtower sham. So, if there seems to be interest, then I will resume the review of the trial. - Jim Whitney

    PS: The "Finished Mystery" book available today is missing he pages that offended the Government. The Society agreed to remove the offending pages to please the Government. It would be a rare find to get a copy of the original publication. Further, it was not really the FM book that caused the trial ... rather is was the letters by the Society officers to members of the Armed Forces on active duty that was the real crux of the trial.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Amazing is correct! Good job on the research!

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    I want to keep this post up for a LONG TIME. Amazing, I applaud you on this and hope you are able to finish your research on this fascinating topic.

  • Surreptitious

    VERY interested in your research Jim!

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Another case of the WT re-writing history to suit themselves. What a bunch of liars they are about their history.

  • mann377

    The "Finished Mystery" book available today is missing he pages that offended the Government.

    Which pages are missing? I have a copy that was one of the first editions.

  • garybuss

    The issue of the coming is resolved linguistically by the publishing corporation. The coming is not a coming it is a presence. (That was a Second Adventist resolution to the 1874 disappointment.) The presence is a progressive presence that started in 1914 and began a period of inspection and ended in 1919 with the appointment of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation as God's official publishing corporation.

    This progressive presence was presented back in 1995 with the revised understanding of the deferred selection of the sheep and identification of the goats. The doctrine of the "judging" joined the doctrine of the "presence" as a progressive thing. So, just enough judging was done in 1919 to select the sheep of the first pen. The other sheep, or the sheep of the second pen, will be a future event along with the selecting of the goats.

    So it goes, a little presence, a little judging, add more presence and some more judging later. It's all easy to understand especially in light of the fact that the seven trumpets of Revelation were the seven Jehovah's Witness District assemblies from 1922 to 1928, starting with Cedar Point, Ohio and ending with Detroit, Michigan, only they weren't called Jehovah's Witnesses then but since Jehovah picked them in 1918 or 1919 he waited until 1931 to give them his name while the generation living in 1914 and of the age of understanding, about 12 or 15, when World War One broke out, except it had been breaking out for a number of years before 1914, meaning that the generation that saw 1914 would by no means pass away before Armageddon started and "by no means" indicates that the majority would be living and never die since Jesus told Joe Rutherford that "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" by an angel and Joe wrote a book about the dead Princes, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and others would be resurrected to the earth in 1925 and live in a house he built for them in 1929 in San Diego, California except he lived in it himself because he thought the start of World War Two would be the beginning of Armageddon and then he died.

  • heathen

    I remember the WTBTS explanation of those events in the Revelation -- Grand climax book , they said that the 2 witnesses that died but were not buried refered to the case . They claim the imprisonment was due to a bribe from opposers not that it had anything to do with subversive literature . I can't see how remaining nuetral can be considered subversive , I would like to see somemore info myself .

  • jst2laws


    I have all your previous posts on this subject saved and would love to get the rest of them. I know it can be discouraging to spend a lot of time on something like this and get little reaction but it is great stuff. Especially if you have the research done, I hope you complete the series.


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