I keep reading about kingdom halls having no windows. Is this just an American thing coz I've been in plenty and never been widowless yet?
No windows-really
by petespal2002 14 Replies latest jw friends
All the KH's in our area are windowless. They say it helps prevent breakins and lowers heating/cooling costs. I say it's to prevent people from watching the grass grow... you know, something that's more exciting than most talks.
Windows cost too much in the building work.
A building without windows can cost a lot less.... however, all KH around my way have plenty ofwindows.
Maybe they are designed to stop peoples minds from seeing 'THE WORLD'
No Windows, Montreal
Some have windows http://members.shaw.ca/theotrip2/k/k.htm The few I have been in have no windows.
I know of a few local halls who had to brick up their windows because they kept on getting smashed, and one was set on fire. Most other halls I've been to have had windows including on that used to be a chuch.
I will say that when I was in a hall that didn't have windows I got the feeling that we were cut off from the world. Isolated. Now that I look back on it maybe that's the impression they wanted us all to get. Maybe they wanted us to feel seperated. Hmmmmmmmmmm
Most of the ones I went to never had windows. The ones that did have windows had them only in the lobby area. People watching is much more interesting than listening to the annual "Fear god and give him glory" talk.
It's so that nobody can look in and see the sacrifices taking place.
Perhaps glass is of pagan origin? :)
Some do and some don't. I counted up over the years and it has been about 50-50 of the KHs I have attended.
Bad neighborhoods not only have no windows but fences and locked gates. Many KHs lock their door after the meeting starts and the attendant has to let you in.
Some KHs have been robbed (as some churches have been). Amazingly, many Catholic churches are still open 24/7.