Yes, Lord Joe, you have done well. I remember when I found out this was the official WT teaching, I was angered.
(Governing Body Teaching) Jesus is not a mediator for "all mankind" I don't care what the scriptures say; just me, and I am given eternal life in a twinkling of the eye because I am one of the anointed Governing Body.
You keep on towing the line though, you see, even if you make it into the new system, you will be judged by me, one of the 144,000, and you will be tested again at the end of 1000 years, and "many will fall away", so, you probably won't make it. At this point in time, even if you pass the final test, you will not be considered a "son of God".
So, listen you little illegitimate bastard, you better shut up and do what we say and provide a cushy living for us while we are alive on earth, because of how we "mis-conned/screwed" and changed a comma, "if you do it to the least of these my brothers, you are doing it to me", because we are judging you for a 1000 years prior to your final test, and remember we can drop you dead in a minute if we think you are stepping out of line.
Get used to it "sucker"! You are my Bitch.