"Number of placements" is only recorded on publisher record cards, which are never reviewed by the branch - only elders & COs.
And, due to the wide range of things it includes - from single sheet invites through to printed books - it's a virtually meaningless figure anyway now.
Of course it was done to cover up the decrease in magazine placements
Remeber tthey used to offer two pairs each month - ie four 32 page magazines each month - now they offer just one single 16 page magazine - even if you have the same number of 'interested' people to call on, that's still a 75% placement drop each month
I suspect it was also done to disincentivize publishers from placing too many printed magazines - a single page tract counts the same and is easier to leave with someone - and also to disincentivize them from placing too many - expensive to produce - printed books just so that it 'looks good' on their report card.