Hey guys, Hamas has admitted to me he could not keep away from this board -- this is actually a serious question -- I have found I have become addicted and just can not stay away or stop posting -- every morning and evening -- sometimes at lunchtime -- and certainly most weekends I come on this board -- am I normal? Is it just me and Hamas or are there others out there addicted to Simon's damn board?
addiction to this board
by stillajwexelder 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well I myself became an addicte to this board, as far as I'm not sick about it ... I just don't care to be an addict
I'm just glad I've found it ... thanks to "Chason"s website were the link was !!! And Thanks To the GREEN's -
I've been finding the same thing, lately I've been on here all the time. I'll have to get my tv fixed....
Simon is definately going to have to make a JWD Patch! for those addicted to the board.
What next? A support group for addicts of a support group?!
Maybe I should hold off "JWD for mobile phones" and such-like?
I'm quite addicted... but is that a bad thing? I got fired because I spend too much time here, my wife left me, and even my lawn dried up. Does that mean it's becoming a problem?
I guess you could say we have a JWD monkey on our backs.
Perhaps we need a 12 step program for JWD adicts. If we all join hands and put our faith in Simon....
LOL at drwtsn32
Don't worry. You have found freinds of like mind, and after thinking you may have been alone, it is invigorating to realize otherwise.
Make plans to attend an Apostafest, if you can, to meet these wonderful people in person.
You must have plenty of free time then ... fancy mowing my lawn? It's becoming a nightmare ...
I get up at 5:30 every morning, and the first thing I do is check the board. Then I go to work, and check the board most of the day. Then I get home and stay on the board until about 1:00 am, sometimes longer. I do this every day. I don't check the board when I'm out partying though, because I don't have wireless internet access - yet.
Am I addicted to the board?
Ontario District Overbeer