the elders left but tinkerbell stayed

by the mole 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the mole
    the mole

    ***the mole*** a response from comments to my sister on abuse. Several elders showed up to my house last weekend and I had no clue that strong resentment was brewing. only several weeks has past now and i find myself in a midst of a storm. i have written in this site for almost a year but none i have written is as harsh as the storm of near fanatical intensity, the elders reacting harsh viewed my comments as a conspiracy of serious proportions, one that threated the heart of my congregation and family. how great was my questions to my friend and sister? criminality and justification devoloped during thier sheparding call. they told me that those who raise such questions should be purged. i couldn't help but think of all the tom, dicks and harry's in the world why was my question so shocking. the brothers thought by giving me a few lashes with the whip i would get straight and go back to the regimentation of meetings every week. i will not deny that some brother in my hall did abuse a child because from his mouth he told me. it looks like now that i have been discovered i may be weeded out and df'd soon for telling people the dirty laundry in my hall. i can say this that what enables us to endure was not my faith in the jw's but on guts to stand up and say i was lied to...***the mole***

  • pettygrudger

    ((((themole)))) I'm sorry you had to be so severely punished for doing the right thing. Hang in there!

  • RunningMan

    "The Truth" (TM) has nothing whatsoever with actual truth. Rather, it is quite the opposite. When the facts are inconvenient, they use pressure to cover them up.

    What you are reporting is a classic example of how a cult operates.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((Mole)))) Stand sounds like your salvation is at hand...

    Frannie B

  • simplesally

    Hopefully the parents in your hall will be appreciative of your "wrong-doing" ...... I am sure they won't publicly admit it, but in their homes they may be praising your sense of rightness.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hang in there mole; you've got real friends here!

    It's takes courage to stand up for the right thing knowing the severe consequences that will follow.


  • eisenstein

    hi (((((((mole))))))),

    welcome to the forum, haven't read all of your story but from this thread sounds like they treated you rotten. but take courage, because it is true people like you who are bringing to light the sexual abuse within the organization. And standing up for what you believe and for what is right is far worth more in God's eyes than following along like a mindless soldier.

    i can feel and understand your rage!!!


  • neyank

    I know it's been said before but,the WTS acts just like 'The Party' in the book 1984 by George Norwell.

    They change their own history (teachings) and insist to their followers that they never taught such things.

    They get rid of anyone and everyone that does not agree completely that they(WTS) are above questioning.

    They enforce their version of truth on their followers and if the followers don't swallow it hook line and sinker then they are branded as evil, wicked people that must be destroyed.

    For those that haven't read 1984, I sugjest reading it and you'll definately see the parellels between 'The Party' and the WTS.

    Members in 'The Party' were to betray one another to 'Big Brother' if they were thought to have some thoughts diferent than those allowed by 'The Party'.

    Doesn't the WTS have the same kind of control over its followers?

    I wonder if members of the fds read that book years ago and decided that the control that 'Big Brother' had over it's followers was the same kind of control that they wanted to instill because it certainly apears to be working.


  • 95stormfront

    I raked my JW wife and brother-in-law over the coals pretty good today about the WT sueing Vicky Boer. She was really upset that I didn't see the WT as the "knight in shining armor" she wanted and no doubt she has scoured her stack of WT rags for articles for me to read to emphasize her point.

    I won't be surprised if I get an unexpected visit from the congregations cherished elders about my apostate attitude soon. If so, as soon as my condescending\bullshit detector goes off, I'm throwing their asses out.

  • Maverick

    Mole, remember these men are phoney, corporate atomatons. Their gray matter is fried. Take pity on them. And use a condescending tone with the poor drones. See them as they really are...pathetic! Maverick They have only the power YOU give them!

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