Emotional Rant

by MrMoe 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    On the radio tonight I heard about a child sold for a small color TV into slave labor. The people on the radio, they laughed. How the hell is that funny? So many people suffer so much, I saw it in Florida with the migrant workers from Mexico, sometimes even forced into prostitution rings, which were from time to time busted when a few women would escape. Imagine being HER? Imagine the things men do to these women. Africa is infested with AIDS. People are starving to death and won't have warm clothes this winter. The old lady upstairs in the apartment above lives off of $600 a month and her bank account is down to a few thousand dollars then she is out of luck because all of her family is dead. She tells me she is lonely and scared.. and yet, even she is lucky, she gets to stay warm this winter. And I am worrying about paying my car insurance, how pathetic of me.

    If every rich person gave money to the poor and if every person on this earth cared about other people, the world would become a Utopia. But we can?t seem to get our sh*t straight because greed consumes us all. We say to ourselves, what can I do to make a difference? Nothing. I can?t do anything much, but I try to remember to let the guy out in front of me even in rush hour traffic, treat the people at work like gold and ask them how their day was, bust my a*s as best as I can, and support the people I love. It's the best I can do. Sure, I could give my "spare time" to charity, I even looked into working one night a week at a shelter for abused women, but I won't. Why? I am too emotionally delicate to handle it. That is selfish, but I can't help it. Or can I? Why is the world such a f**ked up place? Why are we so greedy? Help me understand, because I don't get it.

  • ashitaka
    Why are we so greedy?

    I guess our luxury is very common to us. We have never really experienced real suffering, and that good luck has made us coarse to other people less fortunate than us....same old story. Not too many people are philanthropists, because they want every dollar for a new hairstyle, new clothes, ot a new sports car. Many rich people just don't give a damn, and they don't think that they need an excuse.

    It's sucks, I know.

    I also thought about helping out at an abuse shelter, and hit the same wall. I'm not afriad of working hard, only not being qualified enough to help hurt people. Their pain could cause me to crack, and when we have responsibilities, like you and I both do, you will not give as much of yourself to others. It's just the way of things.

    And I am worrying about paying my car insurance, how pathetic of me.

    Not pathetic, dude. You're a single mom in a tough economy...worrying about car insurance sounds like a pretty sensible thing to me.

    BTW, I sent you an email. I'll be up for awhile...the little lady is watching the Charmed premiere...LOL.


  • MrMoe

    Ashi - Ya. an't handle the stress either. Think though, maybe something you say, just one night a month, even a few hours, could trigger something in a woman's mind and change the course of her life. The people at work, at my old job... if it wasn't for some of the things they said... I just dunno...

    And give her a hug for me hun, miss you guys I will check my e-mail before I go to bed.

  • Scully


    If you want to get really angry, I read a story on AOL News this morning about a 12-year old Romanian girl being FORCED by her father to marry a 15-year-old boy that she didn't like. She tried to run away just before the wedding, but family members caught her and brought her back and she was promptly married to this boy against her will.

    Later, her new in-laws applauded upon being shown a bloody sheet as proof that the marriage had been consumated.

    By the way, the age of consent for sex in Romania is supposed to be 16.

    Welcome to the 21st century.

    Love, Scully

  • MrMoe

    god... after a while, ranting, it's pointless. The suffering of the world gets to the point where it makes you sick.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Later, her new in-laws applauded upon being shown a bloody sheet as proof that the marriage had been consumated.

    Well there's love.

    Ranting may help ya deal with things to a certain degree but don't forget that all these worlds troubles are how dubs lock you in to their perfect paradise. Til you join, then you find out that even paradise is BS.

    There is probably always going to be poor, needy, sick and abused people on earth. All we can do is see to it that our own and ourselves are taken care of. Help who you can but then... just go on.

  • sens
    And I am worrying about paying my car insurance, how pathetic of me.

    Nah its not pathetic, its not your fault the world is so screwed up mrmoe...I cant watch the new's without feeling sick...

  • heathen

    That is a sad story . Here's an Idea , maybe you can help your friend by finding charity sites , it sounds like she just needs a friend to help . This should be a government responsiblity tho . I know Paul Newman has a charity for something . It is a good salad dressing that he donates all profits to charity . If more people did that then I think we could make some changes in this country .

  • MrMoe

    Heathen - Good idea - thanks, something worth looking into.

  • obiwan

    Sorry Moe, I've felt the same way at times, mostly when I here people complain about trivial things. I can't offer much of a solution, but I can give you a hug ((())) and tell you, things will get better.


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