I was very bored and after reading some stuff from David Reed on the flip-flopping of the higher powers in Romans 13, I decided to check it out myself in the publications (not that I doubted it, but just wanted to get the full quotes). I put what I found into a Word file for my personal information, but I guess I'll post it here since I have nothing better to do with it. I guess this has already been covered extensively, but I'll put it here for those that yet haven't seen it. Here it goes:
One of the many doctrinal errors that the Society has made is the Higher Powers in Romans 13:1-7. It has flip flopped on this doctrine only to come back to where it started. The Watchtower gives its own explanation on erroneous doctrines:
It is a serious matter to represent God and Christ in one way, then find that our understanding of the major teachings and fundamental doctrines of the Scriptures was in error, and then after that, to go back to the very doctrines that, by years of study, we had thoroughly determined to be in error. Christians cannot be vacillating??wishy-washy??about such fundamental teachings. What confidence can one put in the sincerity or judgment of such persons? (The Watchtower, May 15, 1976 [page 298])
The Watchtower has clearly done what it condemns in this publication. The organization at first, along with the traditional Christian belief, agreed that ?the higher powers? are secular governments and rulers. A decade after World War I it switched to saying that ?the higher powers? were God and Jesus. The former view was condemned among the ?false doctrines and practices? that had to be ?cleaned out of the organization? (Jehovah Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, 1959 [page 91]). In 1962 the organization adopted again the former teaching, that ?the higher powers? were the secular governments. This can be proved in the book Jehovah?s Witnesses ? Proclaimers of God?s Kingdom. On pages 146-147 under the heading ?The Light Shines More and More? it cites the 1962 adjustment:
For many years the Bible Students had taught that ?the higher powers? (KJ) were Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Why? In The Watch Towers of June 1 and June 15, 1929, a variety of secular laws were cited, and it was shown that what was permitted in one land was forbidden in another. Attention was also drawn to secular laws that required people to do what God prohibited or that forbade what God commanded his servants to do. Because of their earnest desire to show respect for the supreme authority of God, it seemed to the Bible Students that ?the higher powers? must be Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. They still obeyed secular laws, but the emphasis was on obedience to God first. That was an important lesson, one that fortified them during the years of world turmoil that followed. But they did not clearly understand what Romans 13:1-7 was saying.
Years later, a careful reanalysis of the scripture was made, along with its context and its meaning in the light of all the rest of the Bible. As a result, in 1962 it was acknowledged that ?the superior authorities? are the secular rulers, but with the help of the New World Translation, the principle of relative subjection was clearly discerned. This did not call for any major change in the attitude of Jehovah?s Witnesses toward the governments of the world, but it did correct their understanding of an important portion of the Scriptures. In the process, there was opportunity for the Witnesses individually to consider carefully whether they were truly living up to their responsibilities toward both God and the secular authorities. This clear understanding of ?the superior authorities? has served as a protection to Jehovah?s Witnesses, especially in those lands where surges of nationalism and clamoring for greater freedom have resulted in outbreaks of violence and the formation of new governments.
The book does not tell readers that this was a return to the previously rejected interpretation. This can also be seen in the book on pages 189-190. The discussion is unrelated to ?the higher powers? subject and was maybe written by a different author. Under the heading, ?Should Religion Mix In Politics?? it admits:
At that time they understood that ?the higher powers,? referred to at Romans 13:1-7 (KJ), were the secular rulers.
If you read above the heading, the last sentence of the previous paragraph states that the period it is talking about is World War I, starting around 1914:
What was the situation in the period leading up to World War I?
This is the same conclusion that they supposedly reached in 1962 as new light. The Watchtower then denies they have every flip-flopped in their teachings:
At times explanations given by Jehovah?s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as ?tacking.? By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds.
These adjustments in doctrines do not show the ?light getting brighter?, but a failure to interpret the Scriptures. It seems more like the Watchtower is turning the light on and off.