I've never met a group that turns on it's members like the JW's. Sister faithful that thinks she's anointed is now bat shit crazy with mental illness. We all have known it's true, but now you have the WT, who put it in everyone's head that you can be anointed. They are now calling the very ones it taught about it, mentally ill.
It seems to me that they want to get rid of anointed ones, besides those at the top. Read through this months study WT if you can bare it. I get the impression they want your average anointed in a KH, gone.
The first big show was when they took any power from the anointed by making only the top 7 the "Faithful and discreet slave". They stripped the anointed of any extra swing they may have in the KH.
Just do away with it already and stop turning on your members in every way!