Tips for Traversing Tumultuous Times (MicroAgressions)

by JW_Researcher 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jp1692

    Interesting chart.

    Of course the behaviors that are labelled as "Socially Acceptable" acts of Covert White Supremacy are only socially acceptable among "covert" (aka: cowardly) white supremacists.

    The rest of us recognize them for what they are: racist behaviors.

  • TD

    Okay, somebody explain, "White Savior Complex"

    A cursory Google search conveys the impression that every white person who volunteered for the Peace Corp would be included...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Fuck this. Do the authors of this chart really expect people to accept all of these conclusions at face value?

    Hand this chart out at every voting booth and watch what happens. People of every race don’t appreciate being called “racist” for not following a set of rules set by self appointed activists.

    “But we’re all one big human family!” Yep, sounds like something out of Mein Kampf. Can someone verify that for me?


  • TD

    The pyramid chart is apparently the invention of assistant professor Erin Stutelberg at Salisbury University in Maryland.

    Stutelberg teaches a one credit course called Diversity and the Self which is requirement for elementary education majors.

    The chart was meant to be controversial; it was meant to spark discussion in the classroom.

    In the words of Dr. Stutelberg herself:

    "I don't think there is anything unusual or unique about controversial images or materials being used in classes to stimulate thinking and discussion. This was one of several tools used."

    The problem here and elsewhere is that the chart is being presented outside of that context as something definitive.

    It's not.

    In addition to the idiotic idea that Dr. Martin Luther King's' ideology of judging people by their character is somehow racist, the notion of a "White savior complex" is openly racist itself inasmuch as it is a "condition" predicated upon a person's skin color.

    I guess poor Anja here just doesn't know she's really a racist:

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