No apologies Slim'. If my point is so old you'd think it would've been answered by now. Want to try?
Is the JW version of The Lord's Supper really a Parody?
by Sea Breeze 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I recognise the rhetorical terms as a throw back and I think I have an idea of the argument you’re making, but I’m not sure. Could you explain what the argument is first. Who exactly is a child murderer and why?
Sea Breeze
Do you agree with the Watchtower practice of rejecting the New Covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" described in Mt. 26: 27-28 ?
The verse says it’s the blood of the new covenant that’s for the forgiveness of sins.
Could you explain what the argument is first. Who exactly is a child murderer and why?
Sure. I'm arguing that it betrays a lack of moral judgement to worship a child killer and that debating the finer points of said worship without addressing the actual child killing proves how damaging religious worship truly is.
The god of the Bible is of course a child killer according to the text. If this is the god you worship, then you are worshipping a child killer. If you worship Jesus then it's a little more nuanced.
If you are a trinitarian then Jesus is part of the godhead responsible for all those Old Testament child killings so you are still worshipping a child killer.
If you are not a trinitarian then presumably you accept Jesus numerous statements to the effect that he "and the Father are one" or that "he who has seen me has seen the Father". So you would at least be in agreement with the object of your worship, a person who supports the murder of innocent children.
Hope that's clear enough.
Sea Breeze
The verse says it’s the blood of the new covenant that’s for the forgiveness of sins.
The English words testament and covenant are from the same word Greek word... no distinction in the original autographs.
Are you suggesting there is more than one covenant (testament) in the new testament (covenant)?
I’m saying it’s the blood of the covenant that saves from sins, isn’t that what the verse says?
nicolaou, I don’t know what the answer is why the God of the Bible is depicted killing children, it doesn’t seem there can be a justification for that. Perhaps those passages misrepresent God? Because there are certainly parts of the Bible that say God wants everyone to live. One of my favourite verses is 2 Peter 3.9
Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.
If that’s true, then perhaps everyone will be saved in the end because why can’t God do what he wishes to do?
Perhaps those passages misrepresent God?
That would be an awful lot of misrepresentation, in which case why bother with the types of theological conversations you're having if the source material is so misrepresentative? And if there are 'nice' passages like the one you quoted what of it? How can you be sure they are accurate and the monstrous ones aren't truthful?
Imagine taking a similar approach to someone else. What if I were to form the Lucy Letby Appreciation Society or the Harold Shipman Fan Club. People would rightly be horrified and point to all the innocents killed at their hands.
How would I sound if I said they were being misrepresented or that we should focus on the good things they did?
Or, as you and Sea Breeze are doing, have a conversation about the design of the Fan Clubs letterhead?
You can do better than this.
Sea Breeze
You answer a question with a question?
Why can't you simply answer whether or not you support accepting God's offer for forgiveness of sins or if you support Jehovah's Witnesses public rejection of it?“Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. - Mt. 26 : 27-28
Do you accept the covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" or do you support the rebellion of Jehovah's Witnesses in rejecting it?
I can't see the problem you seem to be struggling with here.