thanks to seven
by expatbrit 102 Replies latest jw friends
I'm truly glad to be back and able to keep up with what's going on. This is the first I've heard of this. It infuriates me. My letters will go out tomorrow. It's true....justice IS as blind as an effing bat!!!!!!!
Are there anymore posts with more info on Vicki? I'd like to read more about her case.
April --------------> Click_Here and type in Vicki Boer, you'll get a plethora of info.
Thanks, Gizmo. I've been gone for a while.....catching up.....
off to read...
C;mon guys, write your letters TODAY! If we all do, we can make a difference!
Hiya April!
Nice to *see* you again - so glad you came back to visit. There's a great deal of information on this latest satanic deed by the WTBTS. (was going to say dastardly - but it sounded like Dudley DoRight.)
I've got 3 more sets to send out today. Hope you join me! The following is not for you - but I found out the guy working for me didn't have a clue how to do all this. (I was a secretary for years -It's really not that hard, if you get set up for it.)
Envelope Stuffing 101
Print letters out.
Print attachments out. Put letter in front of attachments.
Either print addresses on computer labels or have someone else write them for you. Last resort, take half hour & DIY (do it yourself) Glass of wine helps pass the time.
Get an assembly line going - it is faster. Sign all letters first. Fold all. Stuff all. Seal all with scotchtape. Attach stamps to all. Double check all sealed/stamped.
From SC, usa - it costs $.60 to mail to Canada (and there are $.60 stamps).
If following only Expatbrit's & Scully's addresses - about $9.00 for each set from SC.
Any of us would buy Vicki lunch if she were with us.........well, buy her our voice in outrage.
Help send message to the WTBTS .....STOP HURTING PEOPLE!
................stepping down off soapbox now.
Keep 'em going folks, don't give up now
Thank you everyone for getting involved in this letter campaign. I'm hoping that everyone's hard work will have some results. I'm sure it will, in fact, because each and every letter and campaign and newspaper report and TV expose' shows the Watch Tower for the destructive and vicious cult it is.
At the weekend, I'll have a tally, and see if we can't get some rough figures on this thing.
Thank you again!
Just a quick update.... the website we've got set up for this letter writing campaign has had over 280 visitors!!
Thank you for all your support with this project.
Love, Scully
A pleasant surprise... someone has very kindly translated all the info into French. I've set up a link to their site on the Letter Campaign page.
If anyone is interested:
(merci, Michel!)
Love, Scully