Who said it? Reflecting on death. I can't remember, maybe Steve Jobs before he died.I thought I would share it with you and see what you think about it, and I'm quoting I think from his book.
"I'm about fifty-fifty on believing in God. For most of my life, I've felt that there must be more to our own existence than meets the eye.
I might be overestimating the odds 50/50 out of a desire to believe in an afterlife. I like to think that something survives after you die. It is strange to think that you accumulate all this experience, and maybe a little wisdom, and it all goes away.
So I really want to believe that something survives, that maybe your consciousness endures. But, on the other hand, perhaps it is like an on and off switch,"click" and your gone".
So, for me I no longer think in terms of a belief system.Yet we all hunger for a better life that can endure with happiness.But really do we want to go on and on and on with no end in sight, I don't know I only know what I have experienced in this life for the past 73 years. It's been a struggle because of the 33 years as a watchtower slave 1969 to 2002 when I Joined Simon's site back in 2002.
Your thought will be appreciated,thank you.