*laughin' all the way from the Canadian west coast*
'cuz I don't have to live with three feet of snow ... a-n-y m-o-r-e!!!!!!!! *singin'*
ESTEE<-------------------recent grateful escapee from Saskatchewan
by Inquiry 26 Replies latest jw friends
*laughin' all the way from the Canadian west coast*
'cuz I don't have to live with three feet of snow ... a-n-y m-o-r-e!!!!!!!! *singin'*
ESTEE<-------------------recent grateful escapee from Saskatchewan
Hey, you want snow. Just an hour west of here, the highway was closed for 6 hours, due to icy roads, and a foot of wet snow caused numerous accidents. Vehicles were boucing off of each other like pinballs in a pinball game. ( Police Officer description ) Numerous rollovers, and some people sent to hospital.
The bad thing about it is, that there is only a skeleton road crew avaialble at this time of year. The full compliment of sanders, salters, and plows are not ready until November 1 !
We had an employee stranded until late yesterday evening, until the roads were reopened.
But yeah, it sucks. CJ and I usually do 1 - 2 more camping trips this time of year, including the "our" Thanksgiving weekend, but last night the temperature dropped to -6 degrees C, and I'm worried about the water lines in our trailer freezing up.
It looks like warmer weather is goming in from the West, with temperatures in the mid teens by Monday, so maybe we'll still get that Indian Summer we are used to.
We have a high of 20 degree C in Edmonton today. I'm happy.
Hopefully I don't expect any snow here for the next 6 weeks.
Nope scully... I am going to vote today! So is my son (first time) .... yay! No More PC's!!!!!!!!! LOL
exjw-b12... yep.. we got caught with our pants down on this one... who'da thunk it... snow Oct 2nd... even the almanac didn't pick that one up....
good on ya mouthy.... vote, vote, vote...
edited to add.. Estee... you lucky duck!
Incredible! We're still having temps in the mid 80's down here in Texas, and I'd about now give my eye teeth for some snow! I *love* snow, and cold weather, especially since I've been getting to be an "older gal." <grin> Course that wasn' the case when I was a "younger" gal. Those hot flashes sure could use a blizzard about now. <sighs and fans herself>
It was close to or below freezing last night in good ol DEEtroit.
I had phucking ICE on my windshield this morning!!!!!
We're still having temps in the mid 80's down here in Texas,
Country Girl. You hold on to those temperatures, until at least the end of October, when I'll be able to enjoy them !
You guys in Canada sure have it cold -- great for field service turn -outs!!
Wow! Snow!!
Our weather here was lovely today.... high 80.with a nice breeze.
Just thought I'd rub it in.....