Mid - Week Meeting This Week

by xjwsrock 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210

    So this is how the meeting went in its entirety:

    Brother opens with prayer and says "Please bless the governing body as they are writing this information for us we are about to cover"

    {my mind says - not according to Geoffrey Jacksons testimony in Australia - he says the writing committee writes it and they just sign off on it}

    Bible Highlights - bland

    Bible reading - bland; no comments - just read and sit down.

    The book study as commented on above in everyones posts.

    The Service Meeting:

    Fakey presentation of a tract

    Announcement - Outdoor work at Assembly Hall- no shorts, no plunging necklines, no T-shirts with logos or symbols, no children except in certain areas accompanied by a parent

    (serving as tribute in the Hunger Games sounds more fun actually)

    Then a sound drama from headquarters to be played over the sound system. It was about Jonah. I had to look at the material to see what the application was supposed to be and it was supposed to be that we are not to mind if we get corrected.(by Jehovah of course)

    It was very poorly done. I havent heard many others so maybe this was a fluke

    (I doubt it)

    One brother commented that we need to "like" the new mid meeting program even if we dont really think we do NOW because the change means the end is coming and we want to keep up with the chariot and not expect us to let the chariot drag us because the chariot doesnt drag people....its their own responsibility to keep up."

    {my mind - what???? like it even if you dont and change means the end is coming.... what if they hadnt changed the program? Would that mean the end wasnt coming?}

    The concluding song 113 was disconcerting because it was music from an old song (something about virgins and lamp oil maybe?) but it was sung with new words.


    The End

    dont you just feel all kinds of encouraged and up-built now? :smirk:

  • xjwsrock

    Yeah we had a fakey tract presentation too. It was crazy unrealistic.

    The dramatic reading was awful like you said. Sounded like Lett had a cold on the recording. Also noticed Geoff Jackson also on the reading. Nice that they are always in the forefront. So heartwarming.

    It was a pretty bad example actually of one of those readings. I have heard better. That was not worthy of a part on the meeting in my opinion. It was terrible. Maybe good enough for the site, but in the back of the site somewhere lol.

    The poor brother at our hall had to fake enthusiasm after the reading was done. The hall was completely deadpan when it was over. Like just dead air for a few seconds. This is what Boredom feels like, I thought to myself. lol.

  • Simon
    If the story were true then Jehovah invented swords. Thanks Jehovah!
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I like the sound of all this.

    The flame has gone out at HQ. No money in the bank therefore no holy spirit! No sparkle in the writing, just the same old tired re-heated and stale food from yesterday.

    Keep it up Watchtower!

  • xjwsrock
    If the story were true then Jehovah invented swords. Thanks Jehovah! - Simon

    Lol... Jehovah has always been about the war thing...doncha know.

    The flame has gone out at HQ. No money in the bank therefore no holy spirit! No sparkle in the writing, just the same old tired re-heated and stale food from yesterday. - Half banana

    So true - especially the stale food part. It's ugly out here in JWland.

  • prologos

    4 hours ago
    If the story were true then Jehovah invented swords. Thanks Jehovah!
    In wt illustrations the invention is actually the propeller, a rotary airfoil, blasting hot air, long duration too, from the fall right up to the flood (F-F). hot air stlll blowing in action today.
  • eyeuse2badub

    On the Cain and Abel fable, I always wondered why jehober warned wicked, vile, evil no-good Cain about his evil intentions---but jehober didn't warn good, faithful, righteous Abel that his asshole brother was about to kill him? Would have no doubt f**k'd up the fable if the good guy would have defended himself.

    just saying!


  • eyeuse2badub

    The swords may have fell out of jehober's chariot as it sped past Eden headed back to heavenly "Pleiades where the eternal throne of jehober resides". It's possible!

    just saying!


  • wannaexit

    That study was dreadful

    @exjwsrock-- it really was dreadful. I sat there stunned and thinking how bizarre the material was and how at one time, I soaked it all in.

  • bobld

    Par 10-12 Adam likely trained them in work that was necessary to provide for the family.Cain tookup farming.Abel took up shepherding.By the comments on this book and the bible,jw are dumber than a box of rocks.The publishers dumber than owl shit.

    How did sheep provide food for Abel when god did not allow man to eat meat until after the flood.(maybe he ate sheep shit) see gen ch 9.Why blame Cain for his offering when god cursed the ground with thorns and thistle.(no roundup)God didn't curse the animals so Abel had a fat sheep for the sob.

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