I have a big plastic bin full of tapes. It's going to be awhile.
But I am happy that I stumbled upon Franz's infamous talk.
I want to say that the internet is having its effect. Bigtime.
For the WTS to put this dude up to this task of lying the society out from under, all these years later, it means that there are witnesses fining out about 1975 and it's starting to sting.
And they want to program the lie, ahead of time, into the wee tiny dub brains that the Society was clean and that "some" brothers were the propagators. So when dubs hear about 1975, say at work or FS, they shrug it off, as "some" weak apostates were responsible.
And by the way, in this new talk, the NY dude starts off talking about Paul and the 1st century Governing body on the one hand vs the 2 apostates of the 1st century on the other. So already you know the two groups. Then, he says we must trust "the slave" always, the one group, and after he goes on to start with 1914,1925 and finally 1975 blaming it on the other group, the "some".
You need to hear this talk. After your blood boils, you will know that they are hurting to go full on LIE TIME