What's Your Opinion of the Opposite Sex?

by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Women, Do you think that men GENERALLY try to downgrade you? Men, Do you think women GENERALLY just want to use you?

  • leddfootdja

    When I look at a woman, I think:

    1. Mom

    2. Grandma

    3. Has she had any work done?

    4. I bet I could take better *care* of her m..........naw won't go there.....

  • Piph
    Women, Do you think that men GENERALLY try to downgrade you?

    I've known men like that; I stay away from them. Of course I know women like that too, and I stay away from them too. I try to surround myself with people who appreciate me for who I am.

  • jwbot

    Minimus, perhaps I have been reading this board too long...but it is very discouraging...sometimes I get the feeling that some men are always trying to degrade women.

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova


    Marie Curie -- discovered radium and was a brilliant chemist

    greater than Einstein?

    world /great leaders -- Boadicea - Queen Elizabeth 1st, Queen Victoria, Margaret Thatcher

    world /great(er) leaders: Alexander the Great, Augustus Caesar, George Washington, Churchill

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Jess one of the ways a woman is degraded is to have adjectives directed towards the entire gender such as "user".

    Yeah men always get used.

    This much I know. In no way shape or form am I ever going to need to use anyone.

  • minimus

    I think we have some of the brightest people on this board. The women here, imo, are very sharp. If a man is trying to downgrade a woman constantly, it's probably because they are insecure. They may feel threatened that a lot of women here on this board are smarter than the men.

  • frenchbabyface
    Vita Nuova : Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?

    Ooops : and how many men stole women's job !!! We are so used to it, that we don't even care now ... LOL (Think what you want Man)

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova
    Do you really think that women artists and poets and philosophers would have been taken seriously at those times around the people you mentioned?


    You are absolutely right. But now, we have an Emily Dickenson don't we? Despite her circumstances, she becamewidely regarded, albiet in posterity, as one of the greatest American poets.

  • kyria

    Well, Einstein came up with the theory of relativity, which launched modern quantum physics, however, his original understanding of the concept had to be reevaluated when he discovered he hadn't accounted for Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and gravity. His first theory is now called "special" relativity (kinda like the kids on that short bus). Additionally, he refused to believe in the existence of black holes, and couldn't tie his own shoes.

    What I'm saying is that it's not like Einstein was perfect. He accomplished a lot, but all of scientific advancement is made as a team, with scientics, mathematicians, and physicists working in tandem. Perhaps the lack of ancient female scientific achievements has more to do with the male reluctance to work with them and less to do with biology.

    I say this as a woman who's 6'3" 280 pound husband always yelled at her for "not being sensiitve enough".

    I also say this as a web designer who worked with a precocious young man student that refused to show me how to correctly code with JavaScript. I thought *I* was the stupid one, until a nicer, less misogynistic MIT student took a few moments to teach me.

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