Spent all day yesterday writing two episodes and recording and editing one podcast of This JW Life. So, episode 4 of my podcast is now out. I took a minute away from my story (though it is still laced throughout this one) to lay out what goes on inside of a Kingdom Hall, who the players are, what they believe, and hopefully set a foundation that will help explain my story as one. Next week I'll go into two cult models and how they apply to Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as any form of abuse, really. Anyway, I hope those that listen enjoy this one and learn something. I think that even ex-JWs will enjoy this one and can use it to help explain to others what we believed. I think you'll enjoy my explanation of things. ;)
You can go listen on my site here directly:
Or you can subscribe on iTunes or Google Play or other podcatchers to listen and get each new episode as it comes out.
My goal with this is to tell my story, but really to tell all of our stories, in a way that people that were never JWs can understand and to open their eyes to the realities of it all. I've received great feedback from ex-JWs and people that are just curious alike. Spread the word. Share on social media. Leave positive iTunes reviews so that it ranks higher and more people can find and listen to it. I make no money off of this and have nothing to promote, I'm just telling a story that needs to be told and trying to reach a new audience.