my letter from ray franz

by the mole 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hamas

    Ray Franz saved my life, and I wish I could thank him, shake his hand, etc.

    I would write to him, but I can't think that he gets so many letters that they become like those free newspapers. I definately don't want to pester him if his health is failing.

    May flights of angels carry him to his place of rest.

    ( but not yet )

  • Joyzabel

    Ray cherishes each and every letter sent to him. And he tries to respond to them all. It may take some time, but he does.

    The e-mail addy is

    He doesn't read any discussion boards, he is busy with his business and still getting his books translated into other languages. He is 81 years old now and still plugging along or as he says "surviving".


    ps and welcome FlyingHighNow. Sweet isn't it to be free of a "high control" group! No one understands unless they have been there themselves.

  • teejay

    What Hamas said.

  • sf


    Just read your profile...



  • sf
    <confused> " will post the letter verbatim on the silent lambs site later today. " why? Bill slams Ray?

    Exactly. So why would you dare post this, VERBATIM, on HIS site? Many of us are well aware of how Bowen feels and what he thinks of Franz. Why the instigation? What are you really up to 'mole'? sKally

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you so much for the kind welcome, J2BF and Skally.



  • wannaexit

    Ray Franz has been instrumental for me. I hope that he is O.K. I am glad MOle that you got in contact with him and that he could bring you some comfort.


  • the mole
    the mole

    ***the mole*** how sad it is that people with their negative attitude cannot even rejoice in the most simple of comforts of a kind letter. does it matter who thinks of what and of who to post such horrible things. each man has an opinion of the goal and a diffrent way to reach the same point in life. i have tried to leave the org and find those who have questions. bill has written me and so has ray and i shall not judged neither of them as i wont contridict the people in charge of maintaining this site so that those who are current witness and former jw's can have a place to go. if a simpleton with weak mental capabilties cant find the goodness in a simple letter from a man taken from his world then there shall be no comfort for the petty ignorant fools who breath wasted air. ray could have looked the other way and kept on with his life and bill could have not gave a damn about some girl who was groped and fondled but neither didnt and that took more courage than worring if bill has a disagreement with ray. Bill has posted many of rays letters if one would take the time to read them instead of being locked in one room sweaty with a sore rear staring at a screen instead of reading the knowledge in front of them.....Bill and Ray took a stand instead of sitting some where not doing a thing....i have but started my turn will soon come.....***the mole***

  • Brummie

    Mole, well said.


  • ballistic

    Mole: all the best. Ray has done a whole lot of people good, even people without the internet. Lets face it.. we all sometimes get puffed up with pride that the internet is everything. And although we've had 178 posts on how damaging the internet is to the "Watchtower", there's probably 100 times that many people who have just read the book and never had contact with Ray or the internet, and finally saw some real "new light" for once.

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