I hope you don?t object to my bringing up a few issues with your post in this thread. My intention is NOT to discourage anyone from donating funds to Vicki Boer, but to ask a few questions about the methodology you are describing and to get some puzzling statements you made in your post cleared up.
The first concern that I have, is that you are not being pessimistic enough in thinking through the donation process at this stage in time. The main issue I have is that it is no secret that the Society monitors this website. It would hardly come as any surprise then that they would read the threads related to donating funds towards paying for Vicki Boer?s legal expenses. It is also hard to miss that several people here (not counting interest in any other ex-JW websites) support the idea of contributing funds to help pay these unfair legal expenses. Having said all this, don?t you think it is possible that we may not be doing Vicki Boer any favors? In fact, if the Society really wasn?t interested in collecting the money but rather was using this as a means to deter others from bringing similar lawsuits against them, the fact that you have a large group of people willing to pay these legal fees changes the equation. It might just trigger them to pursue the fight to collect these fees even more aggressively.
Even worse, there is a public record now on this board of setting up a donation vehicle (as you call it) that covertly channels funds to Vicki Boer. Can you imagine how this can play into the Watchtower lawyers? hands if they made a complaint to the judge that there is evidence that Vicki Boer was receiving undocumented funds by an organized group fighting the Watchtower Society? Not only could this change the mood of the judge, it could open up the Boers for possible audits from tax authorities in Canada.
I wouldn?t have such concerns if there was a definitive ruling already in place as towards the terms and conditions of payment of legal fees to the Watchtower Society. But as far as I can determine, this hasn?t taken place yet. If the judge has for example ordered a $1,000 per month to be paid by the Boer?s for their obligatory legal fees, and then someone came along and organized a funding system, there is little motivation for the other team to go to court and bitch about it.
The other item I wanted to bring up is this. As you said?
My own feeling is that the WTS are not interested in Vicki?s money and that is not why they pushed this issue with the Court. They are fully aware of the impossibility of Vicki paying this large sum of money to them, or even being able to pay her lawyers.
Okay, if this is indeed the case, and people from this board donated funds on the expectation that the funds be used for paying the unreasonable Watchtower legal fees, then there exists the possibility that some people who donated money wouldn?t be very happy about the situation. I have no objection at all for anyone donating money to the Boer?s for whatever reason they desire. If however, there is a marketing campaign, as there already is for paying the Watchtower legal fees, and those fees never materialize?well you get my drift.
This same thought ties in with the other statement you made:
7) NOT ONE PENNY of your money will be given to the WTS or any other body for that matter!( let the reader use discernment ).
Just what is the money being used for then, if not to pay the court judgment? My discernment seems to be a little rusty today...
Please don't view this as an attack on your fine efforts and others to help out the Boer's. My main concern is to potentially avoid causing more harm by our good intentions.