The real determination will be on how the donation arrangement is working. If the donations actually GO UP, Zoom will remain forever.
Zoom meetings to continue thru July
by Wakanda 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The topic came up because my husband heard the C.O. is coming in July and he also heard that he is expecting to do the visit through Zoom, implying we will still be on it. Actually hopefully THEY will still be on it, as this is wearing thin on me and making me literally sick.
BTW, C.O. was just here in March.
Wakanda, Thanks for the intel...have not heard that yet but we do have a CO visit coming up.
🤔 if the C.O. visit will be zoomed, will the entire visit be virtual from a remote location. What a savings for The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc.
I think the Zoom meetings are enjoyed by the JW's and the GB...I'm seeing my wife attend meetings via Zoom and participate when she barely went to the hall...I'm hearing answers from people who went once in a blue has galvanized them where people can now be a JW without having to go to meetings or go out on the ministry.
It's a form of a fake religion and is easy to do thus I expect record attendances as an average. Perhaps the GB will adopt this as a permanent solution because they can increase their audience and reach people with ease with their bullshit doctrines.