Smack as usual ...
What to do?
by Valis 27 Replies latest jw friends
ash the post has been deleted, along with, i believe, the horrid poster.
I'm currently "working" and needed to kill some more brain cells.
be vewy vewy careful, you simply cant afford to kill anymore of those things.
Something tells me it might have been one of Caspians chums pulling his leg perhaps
None of my mates would mention my Dad in a joke. saying I was tarnishing his good memory
However, the original post had that touch about Caspian being a ladies man - that's the whole part that makes me question it.
Why? I thought Capsian has been acting like a ladies man.
Where's the post? I hate reading about things that happened that I can't look at myself!!! ARGH!!
Exactly You all just keep up the good work.
ummmmmm avengers the thread was removed because it listed personal info about someone here. if some nut came along and posted your contact info, etc without your knowledge and consent i'm sure you'd appreciate its speedy removal. get a clue.
ditto to that avengers! Personal info can easily be removed without , ....forget it whats the use