How drunk was Jehovah when he made the Platypus!!!
by Witness 007 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Witness 007
Rare mammal that lays EGGS! Meat eater! When taken home to England from Australia scientist thought it was a hoax. Duck billed half beaver, half otter, bit of badger. And being from OZ of course venomous spikes in its legs that cause incredible pain. So it's Friday 5pm and Jah has one more animal to create but him and Jesus have had a few beers. "MATE...I got one reeeeally goood blooody animal idea!!! Or Evolution?? -
keep throwing those genetic dice until it best fits these conditions in that corner of Tasmania, could have survived the "flood" feasting on carrion, escaped the compulsory drowning because of those beers. -
those animals are from leftover parts from other creations that just happen to fit together and work,lol
Humans are mammals, that eat meat, and also lay an egg(s) once a month... you just can't see the egg(s) with the naked eye. We don't have duck bills or beaver tails though.
stan livedeath
We don't have duck bills or beaver tails though
oh yeah ?
Drunk, my ass.
The platypus is complete proof that God's a f**king crackhead. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
stan livedeath
i think OZ confused got--it being upside down did it. -
Malachi Constant
In the 'evolution book' of the 80's, wt claims that platypus is a nightmare for an evolutionist... so was that the reason for creating it? Everything can be 'explained' by the wtc: In an earlier book 'Life does have a purpose' it was explained that (at least) one reason for creating things like cockroaches was to make the lazy (but supposedly perfect) humans keep their home clean etc. Parasites in the paradise.