Bad day for both teams, eh Englishman
The World according to George Bush
by Hamas 41 Replies latest jw friends
For a dummy, he sure has done a lot. It looks like they will be taking over california. Also, it may be that they who damaged it in the first place. He must be tough. Gotta admit, taking the wind out of california, a long time dem stronghold, and then turning around and sending in their own saviour is brilliant.
You have to admit the guy's pretty hilarious:
"There's a huge trust. I see it all the time when people come up to me and say, 'I don't want you to let me down again.'"? Boston, Massachusetts, October 3, 2000
I kind of feel for him as I have trouble putting my thoughts into words. It's difficult getting both sides of your brain to work in conjunction.
Both are not the brightest bulbs in the box; both have a following of people who refuse to look at all the facts; both have "accomplished a lot"; so far, neither have had to acccount for the mistakes they've made -- mistakes which have brought suffering to thousands of innocent people; and it's the innocent people who most likely sing their praises.
Yep, something about George Bush reminds me of Ted Jaracz. -
By all accounts of those that know him and have worked with him, Bush is quite intelligent. Humor for humors sake is ok...but this kind of bull poising as political discussion is ridiculous. Like I said before...if you have a better idea...let's hear it.
Better Idea....
Anybody but Bush 2004.
There ya go again, full of wise cracks but quite short on ideas. What's the the fact that jobs were actually added to the economy in September piss off the liberals...afraid ya won't have the economy to try to use against Bush in 04?
Anybody but Bush 2004.
LOLOL. Couldn't agree more. Hell, I'd even take a Bush cabinet without Rumsfeld and Ashcroft, that would at least be a start.
LOLOL. Couldn't agree more. Hell, I'd even take a Bush cabinet without Ashcroft, that would at least be a start.
Ah ... BushSpeak
My favourite is when he was challenged about the 'coalition of the willing' (who were not even willing to give their names)
"You want a list of the countries? Well ... I'll give it to you ... "
(and here he counted on his fingers as he said it)
"Country after country after country"
(followed by a grin "aren't I clever")
Of course the best bit about bush is the loyal followers who will jump up to defend him no matter what and get all serious and in a flap whenever anyone laughs at him.