Paul McCartney did a concerty in Red Square -- many Russians admitted music is universal and rock music and the Beatles in particular had a hand in the downfall of communism. My brother (WHO WORKS IN lONDON) has just scanned in and sent me Viz magazine with the new character - and he said "What I thought was funny though was it showed all JW's as radio controlled robots acting like the Borg" My question is -- if you criticize JWs the ywill refuse to listen --but is it just possible with humor like this -- it might just make them think --- so most young witnesses listen to Rock Music -- but do you think that humor can help bring about the demise/reform of the WTBTS
Could Humor help the WTBTS Demise
by stillajwexelder 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Maybe. I remember my parents used to think it was funny when they saw a JW joke in a tv show. I guess they figured that any media was good media but, I don't know why they didn't realize people were laughing at them not with them. I think they thought it showed that they were well known for the preaching work.
There were a few times when I would be watching TV with some other JW's and something funny about JW's would come on. All the others viewed it as "persecution", but I usually got a laugh out of it. After a few cold stares I learned to surpress my laughter about those things when I was around other dubs. Talk about a persecution complex! It's like they look for it!
Interesting idea....and I'm all for it. Show people something like that, and yeah, it could start them thinking.
Here is the comic strip stilajwexelder meant, it was posted by yxl1
I can't read it....
I always found with TV and cartoon humour dubs always viewed it as good publicity because it got Jehovah's name mentioned. No matter how stupid it made the dubs look.
I would say that "you catch more flies with vinegar than with honey", so using humor as opposed to a lecture will almost always have a more positive effect.
However, since most GOOD humor capitalizes on some kind of pain, it's going to be very hard to make a witness laugh without offending them.
I am specifically thinking of a Dennis Leary joke I heard as a JW that was "The Jehovah's Witnesses say 'Don't you want to live forever in paradise?', and I say - no, not with a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses!"
That's a very funny joke, but at the time I was deeply offended. So one would have to very careful not to be offensive, and when you're doing that it's a lot more diffcult to be funny. As anyone who has ever read a "Family Circus" cartoon is aware :)
I remember whenever Witnesses were mentioned on tv, my father would sit on the couch saying "See? See? They know about us!"
Yes, dad... they know about us, and they HATE us!
Then some idiot would raise their hand and mention it at the next bookstudy and that would be the big chuckle for the night.
Gadget --thanks for posting the URLs --absolutely brilliant -- if it is all done with humor rather than in your face attacks --surely it must get some of the younger JW crowd thinking -- brilliant
Brothers, do not allow yourselves to be misled by The World's perverted sense of humor.