In the 1950s and 60s it seemed that everyone's favorite Kingdom song was "Take Sides with Jehovah." In my Kingdom Hall, everyone would sing that - even the little kids. It was easy to remember, had a positive message and a very pleasant tune.
When at the larger assemblies that had orchestras, that song would always get played, often as a beginning or end selection. Everyone would be on their feet and singing along and it would always get huge applause afterwards.
In the 1980s and 1990s when I attended my parents funerals, they played the Kingdom Songs on a tape recorder and through the speakers. I was not impressed at all. The songs seemed jumbled and hard to follow - and most of the JWs who had songbooks with them would try to follow along but had difficulty with the tunes.
The ones I've heard played for recent conventions are very difficult to understand and most everyone just mumbles along. But even after all the years I've been out, I can still remember the tune to "Take Sides..."
"Take sides with Jehovah;
Make him your delight;
He'll never forsake you;
Walk e're in his light;
Tell, tell the glad tidings of freedom and peace;
His rule by Christ Jesus will ever in - crease."
Many of the songs in that old book used well-known tunes from existing church hymns and national songs, so they were quite easy to follow and sing along to. I sure don't see that with the newer song books. (... a later version, but close to the older version)