I was asked to read at the Writers conference at the college today. (I also had two works published in their anthology) WELL, IT went really well there were writer's and agents and I got some really good feedback.
I have a meeting with an agent tomorrow, I really would rather talk about Thunders new short story that I want to send to a children's publisher But will see how it goes.
Just wanted to share since I didn't pass out or anything LOL
Scared to let anyone see what words we write and desperately needing validation that what we write is good
so true and very funny. tks.
for inspiration, I recommend everyone reads "On Writing" by Stephen King. I kid you not, it's very inspiring, he is a great guy and very encouraging to new writers.
On writing is WONDERFUL Thunder sent a copy of his book to Stephen King since he loves to read to. I figure what the heck could it hurt LOL
Also in one of his novels at the beginning he is talking about his process. He said people always tell him " I want to write, I have this idea." and he says ""then WRITE IT." That was a powerful statment for me.