We moved out of my parents house last week. This was so difficult since im df'd and they were only talking to me since we were living with them. Of course i was prepared for what was coming, the yelling, talking, and especially the guilt trip. It went better then i thought it would. My mother took it harder then my father did. I told them about 2 weeks before we actually moved out, and so she moped around and acted like her best friend just died that whole time. It was terrible and stressful, but im happy with my decision. Now i dont have to worry about being forced to go the meetings and worry about being told that i am killing my son in armageddon if i dont go to the meetings. I couldnt tolerate it anymore, they dont understand that i dont beleive as they do anymore, and i know they never will. My older sister was df'd very recently and is getting divorced now, so she is staying with us, i think i am slowly getting her to see that the truth is not the truth as she beleives it to be. Just over the weekend we went to get more of our things from my parents house, my mother of course stared in on me asking if me or my sister were ever going to the meeting again, i told her i didnt know (i didnt think it was the time to get into the fact that im never going back, just yet). She told me she didnt see how i could let me sister stay with me when she is not acting like a good person. I told her that i love my sisters unconditionally and i will always be here for them no matter what, and she responded with "i love all you girls too, but not unconditionally". I didnt say anything to that, it hurt alot, and i feel like she would have been happier if she had just not had us. So thats whats been happening lately, i will post more now that my dsl is on and we are getting settled in our new little apartment by the beach. i love it here and am so happy. I am about to start my new life without the mind control. I feel so weird and guiltly still, especially when i talk about dressing up my 20 month old for halloween. But i know there will be a time when i will get past it. Thanks for reading and for all your comfort, i truly appreciate all your friendships!
We did it, we got out!
by MonkeyPrincess 17 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm so happy for you. It's your life...your destiny...seize it.
Good for you, MP!!!! It's great to hear that you are starting a new, happier life of freedom!! Best wishes for you and your sister!!!
(((MonkeyPrincess))) Good job - that must have taken alot of courage.
Good luck on your new place, and new life!
Lady Lee
Way to go.
A new home
a new life
and new beliefs - whatever they turn out to be
Welcome to the board MonkeyPrincess,
And congratulations on your new step in the right direction.
I thought you did wonderful in replying to your mother about loving your sister. As to your mothers response I feel very sorry for you.
I didnt say anything to that, it hurt alot, and i feel like she would have been happier if she had just not had us.
Give her time MP. It's not her original thoughts but those planted in her mind and heart by the WT. She really believes it now but in a rational moment would discard it like a hot coal in her hand.
Good to have you here.
This is the first time I've ever talked to you. I just want to say that your words touched my heart and I hope you can find strength and encouragement here in the Forum. Keep us posted on your situation.
Unconditional - a word not in JW's vocabulary.
Always keep that word foremost in your mind.
Unconditional what a wonderful way to be!
Good times and bad..... you have each other.
(((all three of you)))
You have my admiration for following what you know is right, even when it is hard. To love unconditionally is always right. It is they way God loves us, so why should we follow any lesser example? I hope your mom begins to see this as you do.
Thanks for posting and sharing yourself with us! Keep us updated.