Knoceptual99 " This is not about these people being "good" Muslims, but in reality, "bad" Muslims. Good for them.
The Rebel :- Whilst I agree with your sentiments, the crux, of the matter, is by doing what they did these Muslims, I am sure felt they were being "good " Muslims.
I think this is an important point, because I am sure if they felt they were being " bad" Muslims they wouldn't have done what they did?
When I was a Jehovers Witness I was incapable of shunning. I was called on it a couple of times by the elders, but I never could shun. It was like I was being told this person must be treated worse than an insect.
Not all people are in humun, and even if the religion is wrotten to the core, as long as "good"people exist in that religion, their is hope for reform.
I hope this post, doesn't come across as though I am playing with words. Actually my favorite bible story was always " The Good Samaritan" and Samaritans didn't believe in God. For me now regardless of what we believe, if we are " Good Samaritans" your ok with me.