How Many Deaths For lack of a Transfusion

by Giordano 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Giordano

    The WonderofYou, Orphan Crow , Smiddy and a shout out to Marvin Shilmer. I woke up this morning and remembered I did not acknowledge your contributions to this subject as well as our forum in general. Including you Nicolaou.

    I too wound up on the surgical table having open heart surgery. Surgery my JW mother-in-law couldn't have without blood. She died before her time. I got to live 40 more plus years after 5 pints of blood. Why I needed that much blood........ this was in 1987....... I never knew. It was die without the surgical procedure or die four months later..... as I was a goner gasping for every breath.

    I was long out of the JW construct........ god knows how many people have died well before their time believing in the Societies BS.

  • OrphanCrow
    Giordano: I got to live 40 more plus years after 5 pints of blood


    Just imagine if the entire world bought into the WT's blood doctrine. Just imagine how many people would have died without blood technology. If the JWs "have the truth"....then everyone who has used blood transfusions should have died.

    Which is really strange. Because without blood transfusions, bloodless surgery would NOT have developed. Bloodless surgical methods were developed using existing blood technologies.

    Without blood transfusion technology, JWs all over would not have the option of using so-called bloodless methods. The whole premise of the bloodless industry is built upon the avoidance of donor blood, even though those bloodless methods rely on drugs and products made from blood and involves blood transfusions - transfusions of a patient's own blood.

    JWs aren't opposed to blood transfusions - they are opposed to sharing blood. They have a blood phobia that demands they keep their blood 'pure' and not contaminated.

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