Moon Landing Conspiracy?

by Shakita 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Shakita

    I am all for the free exchange of opinions in the classroom. But, my son told me that after the discussion in class, the teacher did not have any clear and definitive answers for these kids. So, they left that history lesson convinced that they taught their teacher something that he did not know.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • little witch
    little witch


    Firstly, thankyou for a thought provoking thread.

    I wonder why there are so many darn conspiracy theories, and no conspiracy facts.

    It shocks me what people will believe in spite of lucid, scientific evidence to the contrary. Take for instance UFO's, and alien belief.

    Despite the knowledge of such notable scientists as Steven Hawking, who explains the impossiblilities in great detail, a great percentage of the populace believe in UFO visits to our planet.

    Another example;

    Last weekend our family watched the movie, "Fire in the sky". Very entertaining.

    However, a quick look up on the internet reveals the entire story, including the side left out of the movie, an obvious scam.

    There is a reason authors, producers, actors, and others promote these conspiracy theories, it is money. It is entertaining. It brings fame to those who would not find these benifits otherwise.

    Think of what makes the WBTS successful. A great number of people actually believe the version of history that they promote to the public. A future is manufactured and bought, because it is different enough to be bought, and many are to willing not to investigate for themselves to disprove it.

    With the advent of the internet, education is in our hands. There is no excuse for ignorance.

  • Simon

    I think the best evidence for it not being faked is also one of the motivations given for it being faked:

    Competition with the Soviet Union.

    If they did not get to the moon then you can bet the Russians would have told everyone about it.

    ... unless it's one GIANT conspiracy and the Soviets were in on it too ... maybe sputnik was a fake and they just shot the dog and the monkey?!

  • teejay

    I think their disbelief is healthy.

    Beginning no later than the Watergate scandal, there has been a continually diminishing lack of faith on the part of the average person in those establishments that were once considered above reproach. Corporations, governments, politicians, police departments, etc, have all been caught lying, cheating and stealing. The white washed graves have indeed been found to be full of dead men's bones.

    Nothing should be beyond questioning. I think it's good.

  • Kenneson

    I bet the Flat Earth Society is having a field day with this one.

  • Pleasuredome

    this one of brummies alien ancestor's paw prints from the moon, taken by theone of the apollo missions. as you can see those alien cats were bigger than the modern day household cat. they were one of the first aliens to populate the earth, thats why cats think they can always do what they want 'cos its their planet.

  • little witch
    little witch


    Do you mean to say that disbelief is healthy, just for the sake of disbelief???

    Surely some method of intelligent questioning is in order, no matter what the subject.

    Science is the collective knowledge of tried and true unbiased thinking.

    To say that disbelief in such wisdom is useful, just because doubt is felt is a lame duck, IMO

  • startingover

    When I watched the program I felt there were thought provoking questions that needed to be answered. I can't remember which ones right now but there were a couple that bothered me. After the Fox show aired, I remember reading a review of it in USA Today. They gave an answer to a couple of the questions that satisfied me. It was just a short article without room to answer everything asked, but what they did next bothered me. They made the comment something to the effect of: "What would you expect from a channel that is responsible for the X-Files." It just reminded me of all the WT propaganda about apostates, never deal with what they are saying, just attack them.

  • SheilaM

    My Dad worked for Boeing for years in the missile program. He had a code word that he would use when they were launching a rocket so we could watch it streak across the California sky. When he retired he *coughtookcough* some very important papers about the missle program. So although I believe many conspiracy theories may have some inklings this one is stupid.

  • ozziepost

    Very interesting! Ya see, just last week I was showing some young people here downunder the old video clip of Armstrong's moon walk and guess what? Most of them thought it was faked!!!!!!!!

    What on earth is going on in this world?????!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And we wonder why people are duped into the Borg?

    Oh well (Ozzie shaking his head in .......)

    I'm glad there's still some people with sense, Mrs Shakita.

    Cheers, Ozzie

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