Sorry - I forgot all those that wished this information in chat this A.M. - so this is general information to those that wish to understand biological interventions for those w/children suffering these neurological conditions:
The above is some information and links regarding Dr. Anthony Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield originally was a Gastrointernologist (sp) who only dealt w/patients dealing with gastro-intestinal disorders in the U.K (I believe). He began to see more & more children w//the above neurological conditions who also were suffering from gastro problems (constant constipation, etc.). The parents were insisting there was some type of connection, so Dr. Wakefield started to do research and found one. He began treating many of his patients gastro problems, and found that many of them were also losing symptoms of Autism - some to the point of being "cured". He is scoffed by the U.S. CPD (Center for Prevention of Disease who ironically are the foxes watching the chicken coop in their dual role of promoting vaccinations while at the same time ensuring their safety). But, in Norway, Switzerland and many countries that agree with his philosophies, Autism and the other listed disorders are very rare, while in countries that mock his research, the above conditions have sky-rocketed over 598% in the last 10 years, and the numbers continue to increase at a drastic rate. How many people do you now know that have a loved one suffering from these conditions? How many did you know 15 years ago?
The above is a labratory started by a parent of a child with autism, who was able to "cure" his child. The tests can be quite expensive, but the results can make such a difference if you are able to cure the imbalances which might be promoting symptoms.
Another excellent website where the Dr.'s & RN's have thrown themselves into finding treatments & cures for Autism & related disorders. Alot of information on Chelation therapy (removal of heavy toxins) can be found here.
Another website for parents of Autism/Aspies - the Cure Autism Now has alot of useful information.
Also, "'Special Diets for Special Kids" by Lisa Lewis has proven to be invaluable to us, and may help.
It might sound like I'm promoting whacky medicines, especially if you buy into what the U.S. CPD "research", but the statistics prove themselves. We have done some of the treatments, and although our Nicholas is not cured (yet), we have been able to make considerable progress. We are going to do the Chelation Therapy.
Hope this helps - and my pm's always open!