Autism//Aspergers/ADHD - For those that Inquired

by pettygrudger 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    Sorry - I forgot all those that wished this information in chat this A.M. - so this is general information to those that wish to understand biological interventions for those w/children suffering these neurological conditions:

    The above is some information and links regarding Dr. Anthony Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield originally was a Gastrointernologist (sp) who only dealt w/patients dealing with gastro-intestinal disorders in the U.K (I believe). He began to see more & more children w//the above neurological conditions who also were suffering from gastro problems (constant constipation, etc.). The parents were insisting there was some type of connection, so Dr. Wakefield started to do research and found one. He began treating many of his patients gastro problems, and found that many of them were also losing symptoms of Autism - some to the point of being "cured". He is scoffed by the U.S. CPD (Center for Prevention of Disease who ironically are the foxes watching the chicken coop in their dual role of promoting vaccinations while at the same time ensuring their safety). But, in Norway, Switzerland and many countries that agree with his philosophies, Autism and the other listed disorders are very rare, while in countries that mock his research, the above conditions have sky-rocketed over 598% in the last 10 years, and the numbers continue to increase at a drastic rate. How many people do you now know that have a loved one suffering from these conditions? How many did you know 15 years ago?

    The above is a labratory started by a parent of a child with autism, who was able to "cure" his child. The tests can be quite expensive, but the results can make such a difference if you are able to cure the imbalances which might be promoting symptoms.

    Another excellent website where the Dr.'s & RN's have thrown themselves into finding treatments & cures for Autism & related disorders. Alot of information on Chelation therapy (removal of heavy toxins) can be found here.

    Another website for parents of Autism/Aspies - the Cure Autism Now has alot of useful information.

    Also, "'Special Diets for Special Kids" by Lisa Lewis has proven to be invaluable to us, and may help.

    It might sound like I'm promoting whacky medicines, especially if you buy into what the U.S. CPD "research", but the statistics prove themselves. We have done some of the treatments, and although our Nicholas is not cured (yet), we have been able to make considerable progress. We are going to do the Chelation Therapy.

    Hope this helps - and my pm's always open!

  • Brummie

    Petty this is very interesting. I am all for seeking ways to modify behaviour and erase some of the illnesses through medication but I remain ever sceptical on a "cure" for autism. Hopefully there will be a cure, I'll check the urls, thanks for posting them.

    Just out of interest, is there any parent on here that feels their childs Autism/Aspergers could have been brought on by MMR? Or do any of you know of parents who believe the MMR had anything to do with their childs growth?


  • pettygrudger

    Hey Brummie.

    Yes, I agree, I know my Nick will never be "cured" of his Autism, but anything that can help w/his ability to function in this world would be a blessing. From what I understand from the biological conferences I've been to, there is a clinic that so far has approximately 600 children that have been cured (clinical description of no discernible symptoms) through the biological interventions. This is not a cure-all, as some cases of Autism are not because of these conditions.

    As far as our Nick - we will never know until we do the chelation testing. Since newborns are now knocked up with 12x the recommended adult level of exposure to mercury on the very first day they are born, it will definitely be a hard one to understand. Most autistics dont show any symptoms until approx. 15-18 months, which coincides when most are given the MMR vaccination. But most children have already had 18 other vaccinations before this point.

  • Brummie
    Since newborns are now knocked up with 12x the recommended adult level of exposure to mercury on the very first day they are born, it will definitely be a hard one to understand. Most autistics dont show any symptoms until approx. 15-18 months, which coincides when most are given the MMR vaccination. But most children have already had 18 other vaccinations before this point.

    Excellent. Do you know, I believe the answer to it all lies somewhere in that one paragraph. I do.

    Here's a little interesting tale for you, 6 months ago a freind of mine began to set up "Autism Solutions" to provide short breaks for younger adults with Autism. Right now is overwhelmed at the response and in just 6 months he has 4 managers, is training up managers and staff and has opened 3 houses for Autism and is looking at a big complex to house more people with Autism, by the end of the year he will be looking in other areas to buy property to house people with Autism. The demand is that high. All this in such a short time, I have never known a time when autism/aspergers has been so evident. there must be 1000s in this area of England alone. I leave my current job to support the growth of this new project in 2 weeks time.

    Its very sad to see the growth of autism to such a degree but at the same time its good to see that people are highlighting the plight and getting educated at last.

    I admire all here who raise children with autism/aspergers. What a treasure.


  • arrowstar


    Thank you so much!!


  • neverthere

    I do believe that there may be some link to the MMR and Autism PDD spectrum kids, the only thing is getting the doctors to believe it.

    When you think about most vaccines are made from a previously infected horse serum. What is natural about injecting this into the human body?


  • dawn27

    I work in a hospital and many seizure conditions have also been traced back to vaccines, particularly the DPT (Pertussis) vaccine that the babies are usually given before leaving the hospital. You get home, the baby will have a seizure condition due to the vaccine being in their system, and you can go to doctor after doctor and there will be no physical causes for the seizures. The sad part is that this vaccine is required by law. The parent can sign a waver, but if your child dies from Diptheria, Tetanus or Pertussis you can be charged with the death. So, basically, the government requires that you inject your child with live bacteria and then when they have seizures their whole life and eventually need 24/7 care they say that it was a seizure disorder from birth and it is very hard to get compensated for medical bills and the cost of care. The seizure disorder occurs in about 1 in 30,000 babies, but many more get autism or other conditions from the vaccine.

  • Mulan
    I do believe that there may be some link to the MMR and Autism PDD spectrum kids, the only thing is getting the doctors to believe it.

    When you think about most vaccines are made from a previously infected horse serum. What is natural about injecting this into the human body

    The medical community DOES know. Here is more information. I sent this email to my daughter and daughter in law one day last week, after taking my Dad for an EEG.

    <<The technician who worked with my Dad today (his EEG) was a woman about my age (58). She had a Time magazine on Autism on her chair so we started chatting about it. She said one of the doctors (a neurologist) at the hospital has become almost obsessed with Autism, and he doesn't have any children with the disorder, but has worked almost exclusively with Autistics for the last year. So it is becoming a specialty of his. She said he is convinced that childhood immunizations are what is responsible for the huge increase in autism in the last 50 years. She asked me if I knew anyone when I was in school or if any of my friend's siblings had Autism. I didn't. Neither did she and neither did that doctor. There is a study being done in England now that is pretty conclusive. She also said the doctor said it is well known in the inner circles of medicine that it is the cause of autism, but they are so locked in to doing immunizations, and they have stock to use, and more is being made and money is being made, and it has become a nightmarish Catch 22. I told her about Danny (our youngest son) and how he had his first asthma attack the day after his first DPT shot. She said "please tell me you didn't finish the course". I told her his pediatrician said it would have no connection, and it wasn't for several years before I read an article about DPT shots and childhood asthma. Then I told her about his having Aspberger's syndrome, and how he was the only one of my kids to get all the shots. She said "well, that tells a lot I think. Can I tell the doctor about you?" By the way, Emily (our daughter in law who also has Aspberger's) said she is the only one of her sisters to have gotten immunizations when they were little. They lived out in the sticks except when she was little and they had access to Public Health clinics so she got all the shots. The others didn't. That technician said that she and the doctor have had lots of conversations on this subject and they both agree that for a child to actually get those illnesses they are supposedly immunized against, is a remote chance anyway, and the diseases are not that bad if they were to get them, and could be easily treated if they did. I still think the chicken pox vaccine is the silliest thing I've ever heard of.>>

  • Mulan

    There is research ongoing as well, for Gulf War veterans, suffering from the infamous Gulf War syndrome, to see if there is a link between it and the "cocktail" immunizations they received before going to the Middle East. There is also a huge statistic with those veterans suffering from ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), a serious neurolgical disorder. Too much of a coincidence for me to think there isn't a connection.

  • neverthere

    Wow, Cool info on the docs actually knowing, thanks Mulan!

    I am a Chartered Herbalist and we studied this briefly in our course. How modern vaccines are like a poison to the human body. I personally don't see what good they do, I had all the "important" vaccines as a child, and I still had Measles, Rubella and Rheumatic Fever. I lived, I am fine and I even had chicken pox 3 times and no scars etc. cause my granny and mum knew what to do, the old way!

    I refused repeatedly to give my daughter the vaccine they can now get to prevent ear infections and the chicken pox one though I had to "cave" to hubby regarding regular vaccines, he said if I didn't take her he would, and she would have FREAKED.


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