"The last DAYS?"

by eyeuse2badub 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    I was asked last Sunday, after a meeting that I attended with my wife, by a good friend if I believed that these were indeed the "last days". What prompted his question was the public talk given by a young man that I have known since he was 7 years old and is now an elder at 30.

    The talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days". I assume that the expression "last days" was prominent in the outline.

    I hope that he way I answered my friend's question jump started his thinking. I told him that we need to take into account the definition of the word 'day' or 'days' according to the way the wt defines 'days'. If the "last days" began in 1914, as the wt teaches, then the end could really be thousands of years into the future. After all, a thousand years is but 1 day to jehober. And with all the "overlapping generations" (lol) and the "new light" (lol) yet to be revealed, I'm sure the sure that there is an explanation. (or an excuse)

    just saying!

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  • Finkelstein
    The talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days"

    This particular ideology/theology has been propagated by the Watchtower Corporation since the late 1800's and other charlatans usually selling literature.

    Its a false suggestion on many levels, such as the occurrences or signs of the times to happen like famine, earthquakes, wars etc. were actually greater before 1914 which this expressive doctrine is connected with.

    1914 is another false doctrine created by the WTS. as well and is in opposition to Jesus's admonishment of his true faithful followers to NOT set a time upon god's own sacred time.

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  • sir82

    Yes, we are now well into the 2nd century of "last days".

    For those of you counting at home, that's nearly 38,000 "last" days since 1914.

    Imagine taking a trip, and being told "we're almost there, just a few more miles" - after driving 38,000 miles.

    Imagine being told that after every highway mile marker.

    Mile 1: "Are we there yet?" "Just a few more miles"

    Mile 10: "Are we there yet?" "Just a few more miles"

    Mile 100: "Are we there yet?" "Just a few more miles"

    Mile 1000: "Are we there yet?" "Just a few more miles"

    Mile 10,000: "Are we there yet?" "Just a few more miles"

    Mile 38,000: "Are we there yet?" "Just a few more miles"

    Mile 586,945: "Are we there yet?"

    Do you think we are "almost there"?

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  • punkofnice
    Eye - The talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days".

    Jesus evidently meant that the last days would overlap.

    Isn't it amazing that all the doom and gloom merchants relate the 'end' to being in the days they happen to live in?!?!

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  • AverageJoe1

    Excellent reasoning, @Sir82! I might use that one myself.

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  • nowwhat?

    Oh by all means we have been in the last days since 1799!

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  • Finkelstein

    Fact = the Watchtower Corporation is a fear mongering apocalyptic religious publishing house.

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  • OnTheWayOut
    ....the end could really be thousands of years into the future. After all, a thousand years is but 1 day to jehober. And with all the "overlapping generations" (lol) and the "new light" (lol) yet to be revealed....

    Great job with that.

    Last days.
    I try to lose them with a comparison. "Someone said once that they hate cut flowers because they are dying." I said that all flowers once bloomed are actually dying, so I see nothing wrong with enjoying them. So we are all in our own last days no matter how many days we each have, so I live for these days and do what I can to experience them now."

    That's deep enough that they don't have anything to say usually.

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  • Crazyguy

    I’m sure that’s the next excuse they’ll use “we said were in the last days and we know that a day can be several thousand years in Jehovah’s mind so we weren’t lying “ “now give us more money!”

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  • Finkelstein

    ....and to think the JWS derived this theology originally from measuring the Great Pyramid of Giza

    but then again it was something to sell and proliferate literature.

    The only last days humanity is going to witness is the last days of the Watchtower Corporation. (JWS)

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