Printed vs Produced

by Rattigan350 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rattigan350

    In the January 1, 2015 Watchtower it says Printing Each Issue 52,946,000 in 228 languages Semimonthly

    In that 2016 #1 issue Watchtower it says Produced Each Issue 58,987,000 in 254 languages Monthly

    What is the difference between printed and produced?

  • vienne

    no difference at all, as far as I can see ...

  • Attewc

    Print = physical printed media.

    Produce = available in any media format. Now they can include the digital online versions and therefore higher numbers can be reported. Prints + downloads ?

    When they switched from 32 pages to 16 pages their reasoning they gave was so they "would be able to translate it into more languages". Anyone remember when that took effect ?

  • no-zombie

    In one context, printed magazines are those printed by the Organization ... whereas produced magazine can those printed by someone else but distributed by the Society. Just as the cars "produced" by Ford, GM or Toyota are assembled from parts (or whole) from other manufactures.

  • smiddy3

    Since when have the Society given a commercial enterprise the rights to print their literature and they the JW`s distribute the end product ? In recent years ?

    Correct me if I`m wrong ?

  • Listener

    I think 'printed' means the actual physical numbers printed - hard copies.

    'Produced' is anything they want it to mean. This includes both the number of physical copies they print plus the number accessed online, however they choose to count that.

  • no-zombie

    I didn't mean that they had given the rights for others to print their literature. I was just talking about the possible differences between the usage of the words "printed" vs "produced". However I do remember a post a few years ago here, that forwarded an idea that commercially printed Watchtower magazines may actually be cheaper than Bethel versions due to the lower overheads.

  • berrygerry
  • Rattigan350

    So would the number listed as produced change with every download or view? That would mean the PDF is dynamic or is updated for each next copy.

  • Diogenesister
    However I do remember a post a few years ago here, that forwarded an idea that commercially printed Watchtower magazines may actually be cheaper than Bethel versions due to the lower overheads.

    You mean if you actually PAY your workers a wage, instead of just nannying a bunch of slave labourers, it works out to be more commercially viable and productive?! Now there's a novel idea for Watchtower to consider!!!

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