Surely the GB aren't naive enough to believe their own lies.What does it take for the majority of j dubs to wake up to themselves and finally realize that they are being robbed on all levels emotionally.financially,spiritually,intellectually and many other aspects of their day to day lives.
The governing body are digging their own grave.
by atomant 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I imagine the GB awake each morning with a pit in their stomach, wondering how long they will be able to hold the charade together.
But desperation compels them to keep the hamster wheel spinning so long as they can seduce hamsters up their asses.
I imagine the GB awake each morning with a pit in their stomach, wondering how long they will be able to hold the charade together.
But desperation compels them to keep the hamster wheel spinning so long as they can seduce hamsters up their asses.I don't think so - I think they believe as strongly as the rank abd file witnesses.
The Searcher
@ landy - maybe I'm being an optimist, but I believe there must be huge numbers of medium-long term J.W.'s who feel extremely alienated from the "society" because of the continual changes/unscriptural doctrines which are presented as new light, and made worse by the blatant money-grabbing via the new digital-religion of JWdotOrg.
Such ones won't jump ship, but their contributions in all areas will surely reduce.
I think the GB actually believe what they say is true .
No member of the GB is going to put his head above the sand and say "what?" , exclusion from their luxury apartments and lifestyle too great to lose and the warning example of Ray Franz dangles before them.
More and more members though appear to be digging the financial grave of the WT. Less and less given in response to more and more begging. And UK SupremeCourt helping with adverse judgement against WT versus Charities Commission, £1 million plus court costs to b paid so far........and enquiry just gets going, money spent on legal must be in the top expenses of WT
As with most leaders of high control groups or regimes, sadly, they do believe it all 100%
As with most leaders of high control groups or regimes, sadly, they do believe it all 100%
I suspect they are delusional believers (just as we all were), but I do think they probably go to bed every night praying that The End coming "tonight" and they will wake up in heaven, as they must surely wonder why the GB 1.0 was so screwed up in all of their false predictions. GB 2.0 has been painted into the corner. Something has to happen -- and they hope and pray it is Armageddon!
Still.............put me down as someone willing to donate a shovel to help out a good cause. DOC
The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger are proud of a job well done for their boss--joke-hova. That thing wants souls to torture and enslave. And it wants us all miserable. Let the washtowel continue, and they will donate huge amounts of psychic energy toward the enslavement of the whole human race. This is what their "new order" really is. Even the term "Seven Gentile Times" ties in with this. It is so blatant, when you know what to look for, that they are working for joke-hova to enslave and destroy the whole human race.
I think they have to know on some level that it's all false. How could they not? All the scrambling with New Blight and threats of ramped up shunning to keep the sheep cowering I think points to the GB knowing something is very wrong and trying to stop the bleeding. They'll never acknowledge publicly that they're wrong because that would end their sweet lifestyle. Think about it. The GB have a lot to lose. A life where every material necessity is provided for them without their having to put any effort into a real job. The adulation and obedience of seven-eight million adoring sheep. Absolute power over every tiny aspect of their slaves' lives. Very few people would want to give all that up. The GB will say and do whatever they have to and keep the game going during their lifetimes, delaying the day of reckoning for some future group of GB to deal with.