I think jimmyjames hit the nail on the head when he mentions the responsibility of parents.
Two buildings away from where I live is a small boy (maybe 4 years old) who screams so loud he sounds like he is being tortured. Even with my windows closed, I have to turn the volume up on my television set just to drown him out. I have seen him playing out in the middle of the street unsupervised. I will be surprised if he lives to his tenth birthday.
The older teenaged boys in my neighborhood can often be found behind the dumpster in my building smoking crack. I've called both my landlord and the police, but nothing seems to deter them. They drive around in cars with speakers so loud the walls in my apartment shake. Wouldn't it be ironic if their precious "rap" is what made them go deaf?
The point I'm trying to make is that I see absolutely no parental supervision in this neighborhood, and it is a very uncomfortable place to live (and at $1200 per month rent, let me assure you I do not live in a low income area!).
Wendy, I don't think that "Leave It To Beaver days" ever really existed. I was raised in the '50's and '60's, and I was a little hellian myself, but even the worst of my friends did nothing of the magnitude I see children doing today, and it's frightening.
If parents do not offer children any love and guidance, they're going to look for it elsewhere. They will look for it in their peers. They will look for it in the music and entertainment they are exposed to. Too many of the children I see today are starved for love, and their threats of violence (which are occasionally carried out) are them screaming at the top of their lungs in desparation wanting nothing more than to be loved.
This hit a little too close to home
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