Well this is mine
I'm pushing all the buttons and turning all the knobs and trying to figure out how everything works around here
I'm looking at this posting limit line and it's just not sinking in right now
"You have started 0 topic(s) in the last 1 day(s) out of your limit of 2.
You can currently create 2 more which will increase in 1 day(s) 9 hour(s) when your oldest topic expires"
What exactly happens in 1 day and 9 hours ?
What causes an old topic to expire ? Is it based on the point that it's started or the length of time since the last response ?
I guess I'll push a few more buttons, read some more and hopefully I'll start to figure out what's what
Hello to anybody that reads this
Do you remember your first post here ?
by skiz 39 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome David. . . or is it skiz?
I think that 1 day 9 hour thing is a glitch. . I might be incorrect, but it should refrsh in 24 hours.
As for my first post. . umm. . it was to a JW troll. I've been told I am I bit argumentative, and it's demonstrated in my first post.
I sure do!
You can only start 2 topics per day... that is why you are seeing that. You can post 40 messages per day. I don't know why it says all that, but o'd well.
Welcome to the forum!
I was wondering what happened to this post
I couldn't find it on the Friends Board
When will this thread roll off of this board and onto the Friends Board ?
Maybe I should search for a spot on this site where I can read up on how it operates
I'm gonna do some more exploring
David -
And hello to Stinky Pantz and shamus
Thanks for saying hi -
You're welcome.
Ontario District Overbeer
Welcome David! Just click on Active Topics up there at the top and you should be able to keep tabs on your thread. I remember my first post. It was my "Hello" to this board. I never lurked, just jumped in with both feet! I'm a bit impulsive just like Stinky is a bit argumentative. Make yourself comfy and enjoy!
Welcome David!!
I remember my first post. It was a response to someone who is no longer on this board.
Nice to have you here.