No ego and no agenda--and yet--a thinking-out-loud tour of what the lasting value of
Biblical teaching might mean.
A thinking man coming to grips with the Bible
by TerryWalstrom 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
His explanation, on the basis of Jung's studies, about dreams makes sense. I too came to believe in soul and God because of the wonderful mechanism, called dream, within me which happens without my conscious mind being involved.
Interestingly, our actions are intertwined by conscious and sub-conscious mind activities, and it is like we learn driving--we consciously do it while learning driving then we switch to unconsciously driving later. Just like unconscious mind creates motion pictures called dream, it also created my body which is a micro universe--just like the Supreme Soul created the macro universe.
That means through the mechanism called dream, God has provided proof very intimately, in very personalized way, to every human being that there is proof for immortal soul and immortal Supreme Soul, if anyone wants proof.
Good video
I seldom see a thinker hacking through the undergrowth of mythos, religion, belief, ideology, etc. with an open method of analysis such as Jordan Peterson exhibits.
Instead of pontificating, he walks and talks his way through each idea, concept, and idiom with intellectual honesty. -
so, call me...let's get together.
I haven't completed viewing but he's in deep thought/convo with himself -- I kept waiting for him to look up at the audience. If only we all had this knowledge to analyze!
Terry -- you were the first one that opened my thinking (got thru my skull initially on a different plane) -- before I could even care to read our science guru Cofty's posts or even appreciate other opposing views/posts. You opened my mind to understand just a wee bit why maybe the Bible wasn't the answer and literally saved me from wasting more time studying it! You were very understanding/subtle in tone yet made comments that made sense that I didn't quite want to believe. You have a unique, gentle, way of using your incredible intelligence causing one to question -- thank you.
I'm humbled by your words, LV101. That made my day. Thank you, kindly!
Your welcome, Terry!
I think Peterson is a creationist /Theist who pushes his beliefs by trying to intellectualize religious beliefs above and over facts acquired by Science and does so by making appealing philosophical concepts.
Ancient mythology more valuable and appreciative above all knowledge acquired from science.
More interesting than the title of the video would lead one to assume.
Finkelstein - " think Peterson is a creationist /Theist who pushes his beliefs by trying to intellectualize religious beliefs above and over facts acquired by Science and does so by making appealing philosophical concepts."
I tried that the last few years before and during my fade.
Eventually, it no longer worked.