Bearded students on Ministry school?

by NikL 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    So at last nights ministry school we had 2...yes that's right TWO that had parts and gave them with beards.

    I found it interesting. I thought the consensus was that you couldn't have any extra privileges if you wore one.

    Maybe the school is different?

    Anyway, anybody else seen this in the U.S.?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    What was the part in the Ministry School about? Did it involve beards?

  • stuckinarut2

    "ministry school"?

    I thought it was now called something else?

  • sir82

    Have not seen this at all.

    In fact, our local BOE was all in a tizzy because a late-teen unbaptized pub grew a beard, and was scheduled to give the Bible reading. The BOE assigned 2 elders to give him a ultimatum - shave or don't do the talk.

    He said he'd shave, but he skipped the meeting the night of his part. Actually, he hasn't been to the KH since.

    The WTS is going to regret they ever printed that WT article.

  • DesirousOfChange

    He said he'd shave, but he skipped the meeting the night of his part. Actually, he hasn't been to the KH since.

    Hopefully he has joined the rank of the "enlightened".

    Image result for RUN FOREST RUN

  • OneEyedJoe

    I had drinks with my MS brother a while ago and he excitedly (and without me asking anything about the cult) reported that some other congregations were letting men with beards read the watchtower on stage. What a revolution this was! He was hopeful that it would migrate to his congregation so he could have a beard.

    I guess I've finally gotten some distance from this really struck me how absurd and childish all this was.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Some of our bros have beards . . .

  • Saethydd

    My uncle had one for awhile, but shaved it when the temperature got above 85 degrees. Said it probably would have shaved it two weeks earlier if the elders hadn't hassled him about it.

    He's planning to grow it back in the fall.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    There are several brothers in my hall (and that I know of) that have parts on the stage.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    It won't be to long from now that all the men in the WT cult will have to wear a beard because of new light. It will show how different we are from the cults who are clean shaven. Still Totally ADD

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