Anybody watching the olympics here? Bodies perfected, minds steeled against pain?
Amazing performances in sailing, running, jumping, throwing. Had a funny experience today:
after a night of watching Roger Bannister's look alikes doing the 200, 400, 5000 mts, , the pole vault, visually the supposed post -armageddon normal,
I had to visit an office, and was shocked by the consistent contrast in appearance of the able help, fully filling all the chairs, to what I had seen all night. Then it dawned on me, I had seen them too, --- during the hammer throw.
thank you for the minus signs. but really,
what is your take on this expression of near adamic / evic perfect, human peak performance?
ps: games are serious matter, Brazil and Mexico soccer teams nearly coming to blows.
Understandable, perhaps these were boys, that had rising from unimaginable poverty to be at the pinnacle and are now challenged in their further climb.